Change address, contact, account number, first name

Personal data changed?

Address, contact information and account number changed?

Change address, contact information and account number as soon as possible through Oasis. Go to Oasis, log in and update these details in My Oasis.

Change first name

You can change your preferred first name once in Oasis. Go to Oasis, log in and modify it in My oasis < Personal details.

If you want a new student card as a result of this new data, contact:

To change your email address, contact: ICT helpdesk

On official documents (e.g. your diploma), your personal data as stated on your identity card will be used. If your name and/or first name on your identity card changes, contact: Registrar’s Office

Know address or other info of a fellow student?

We cannot provide you with data due to privacy laws. In exceptional cases, we do want to contact the student involved ourselves.


Registrar's Office