Open Call. 20 years of architecture in public commission
This page is part of our exhibition archive. The exhibition took place from 20-09-2019 until 31-10-2019
20 years of architecture in public commission
A panorama of Flanders offers an overview of the projects that have been realized via the ‘Open Call’ in the past twenty years. Three case studies are presented to fully explain the procedure. Finally, the Wunderkammer shows a stimulating visualisation of the architectural result of twenty years of Open Call. After the Festival of architecture, the exhibition travels in varying editions through Flanders.
The exhibition uses the rich archive of the Flemish Government Architect and includes surprising architectural installations by Ester Goris, Malgorzata Maria Olchowska and Joris Kerremans. It offers a unique view of the Open Call as a dynamic collaboration between client, architect and Bouwmeester.
Curators: Maarten Liefooghe and Maarten Van Den Driessche -UGent