Laboratory for Applied Geology and Hydrogeology (LTGH)
From the qualitative point of view, the natural baseline quality of aquifers is studied; against this natural background, pollution is investigated, specifically focusing on diffuse pollution (mostly by nitrates). The research unit has been involved in several European projects related to natural baseline chemistry of groundwater, which have supported the development of the EU Groundwater Directive.
Geophysical prospection has been extensively applied in salt water intrusion, as well as in pollution cases and geological characterization. The Laboratory is active in the application and development of innovative geophysical imaging techniques with a special emphasis on the geophysical monitoring of natural processes and active experiments (e.g., heat tracing experiments). In recent years, an increasing focus has been towards Africa, where groundwater exploitation, pollution and the problem of sustainability of groundwater resources are even more directly crucial for life than in the industrialized world. Several PhD and MSc theses dealing with African groundwater sustainability problems have been concluded recently, while many more are ongoing.
Prof. dr. Kristine Walraevens of Prof. dr. Ir. Thomas Hermans
Ghent University - Department of Geology
Campus Sterre, S8
Krijgslaan 281
B-9000 Gent