Dec 11
Lecture 'Meet the PhD Jury: Interplay between retinal regeneration and inflammatory response to injury'
UGent-VIB-onderzoeksgebouw, Technologiepark 71, 9052 Zwijnaarde
Dec 11
Lecture 'Meet the PhD Jury - Lipid metabolism: connecting the dots'
UGent-VIB Onderzoeksgebouw FSVM II, Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 75, 9052 Gent
Dec 11
Lecture 'Meet the PhD Jury: Transcriptomics of the aging brain in killifish'
Campus UZ - The Core - Room 0.8, De Pintelaan 185, 9000 Ghent
PhD defenses
Dec 11
Massively parallel analysis of protein libraries using yeast surface display
Eeckhaut, Hannah
Dec 11
Decoding the non-coding regulatory genome – Modelling of eye enhanceropathies in Xenopus tropicalis
Cicekdal, Münevver Burcu
Dec 13
Optimizing single-cell RNA sequencing of young Arabidopsis leaves to explore tissue-specific responses to mild drought
Tenorio Berrio, Rubén
Dec 17
Antibodies against Tumour Associated Carbohydrate Antigen
Semwal, Shubham