Wellbeing at Ghent University

This page offers an overview of all support concerning the wellbeing of students at Ghent University.

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You are not alone!

Life as a student is exciting and challenging; but it's not all sunshine and roses. You may have a lot on your mind from time to time. It's important to know that you can find support for any issue – no matter how small or harmless it might seem. You don’t have to go at it alone – get help!

Most of the university departments are closed from July 20th up to and including August 4th.

Are you struggling with studying or are you having a rough time due to the current circumstances?

  • On Very well mind you can find some tips & tricks to support you.
  • If you prefer to talk to someone you can call the CHS helpline at 02 648 40 14.
  • You can talk to other students about your problems or worries via Epione chat.
  • For urgent psychological matters please contact CAW crisis help, 24/24u, 7/7 at 09 265 04.

Initiatives for students by students

Improving study skills

Worries on your mind

Experiencing difficulties or doubt

You won't know if your choice of programme was right until you started it. Sometimes it just doesn't work out and the reality falls short of your expectations. This isn't an easy position te be in, so get informed about all options and possible consequences. Make sure you seek counseling before taking any hasty decisions.

Studentenartsen wachtzaalMedical Service

Inform your faculty when you're absent due to illness for a longer period or when you are missing obligated study activities. Request a letter from a doctor and hand it in at your Faculty Student Administration (in Dutch).

A specific medical service for students is available, run by general practitioners well-acquainted with the medical needs of students.

Emergency help

These points of contact are available 24/7

Help outside university

Moodspace ENG