Student psychologists

Team psy

Having a difficult time? You are not on your own!

Our team of student psychologists is there for you. In a first session we will try to refine your question. Together we decide on what you might need. Our approach is solution-oriented and short-term. If you need more in depth or specialised help, we will guide you to the right support.

The Student Counselling Office will be closed from July 20 to August 4, 2024. The student psychologists will be back at work from Monday, August 5.
  • You can already schedule a meeting during the closing period via the online appointment system.
  • For urgent matters, you can call the CHS helpline at 02 648 40 14.

What can we do for you?

Are you dealing with study related issues such as (pre)exam nerves, stress, fear of failure, procrastination, lack of focus or motivation, ... ? Do you find it hard to study due to personal distress, strain, relational problems, self-assertion, home sickness, depression? ...

Workshops in group

All workshops take place in small groups and are free of charge. A workshop takes 2 hours.

Personal appointment

We encourage you to participate in a workshop first. Do you still have questions after participating in a workshop? Are there certain issues you would rather talk about individually? Then you can make an appointment via the online agenda:

Book one appointment at a time. If needed, the student psychologist will plan follow-up appointments together with you.


What can I expect from my first appointment?

During our first appointment, we will try to refine your help question and define what you might need. Our approach is solution-oriented and short-term. If you need more in depth or specialised help, we will guide you to the right support.

Is there a consultation fee?

No, individual appointments and workshops are free of charge.

Is there a waiting time?

We try to help you as quickly as possible. Our online agenda will show you the next appointment available. Can't find what you are looking for? Contact the information desk for help. For urgent matters, contact emergency help.

Where do appointments take place?

You can book an appointment on campus (Ufo, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 33, Ghent) or online.

Can all students go to the student psychologists?

All students from Ghent University are welcome. However, if you are:

  • a PhD student
  • a student following a subsequent programme (following your master's degree)
  • a student enrolled with an exam contract or credit contract

Then we will refer you to suitable help outside the university after your first appointment.

Will my teachers or parents be informed?

No, student psychologists are bound to professional secrecy. Others will only be informed if you explicitly ask to.

Where can I go to with other questions?

Check wellbeing at Ghent University for all the places you can go to for help. Can't find what you are looking for? Contact the Student Counselling Office.

Who are we?




Annemie Taildeman

Annick Eelbode

Astrid Van Wonterghem



Caroline Mertens

Elisabeth Konevin

Emma Boone
Hannah Hanne  Imane
Hannah De Blaiser Hanne Vandercammen Imane Karboua
Justine Katrien Kim
Justine Callens Katrien Vandenbroucke Kim Van Durme
Leentje Lynn Suzy
Leentje Vandesteene Lynn Van Maele Suzy Even

Emergency help

These points of contact are available 24/7


Student Counselling Office