Student Counselling

Ghent University offers information, professional advice and counselling concerning the different aspects of a study career, before and during the period of study. All services are offered free of charge.

Study career counselling

For each step or milestone in a student's study career, a team of counselors is available to support you in study matters and choices. The study counselors can offer you information on the curricula, the admission requirements, bridging courses, etc.

  • For individual counselling you can make an appointment via the information desk.
  • Final-year students, in transition from study to work, will find information on After graduation.

Study related and psychological problems

A team of psychologists is available to guide you in finding the appropriate study attitude and functional study skills. They can help you to remedy problematic matters as lack of concentration, study planning and time management, problems with writing a paper or dissertation, declining motivation, procrastination,… Also for students who cope with study problems because of personal distress; (pre)exam nerves, strain, fear of failure, relational problems, self-assertion, home sickness, depression,… help is available.

Group sessions

Individual sessions

For a one-on-one talk, you can make an appointment via the online agenda:

Support for students with special needs

The Disability Officers provide material, technical and social aid to students with special needs. This service acts as an intermediary between disabled students, staff and fellow students concerning study and examination facilities, transport, accommodation, software support, etc.

Disability Office
Home Vermeylen
Stalhof 6, Gent (map)

More information and contact: Disability Office


In your search for information and advice, the information desk is the starting point. The staff members will answer your questions and if necessary make an appointment with a counselor or a student psychologist. Information for international students as well as brochures on all courses of Ghent University are available.

Campus Ufo, Ufo, 1st floor
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 33
B-9000 Gent
+ 32 9 331 00 31

Opening hours

Weekdays: 9 to 12 am - 1 to 5 pm