Emergency Centre
The security department Emergency Centre can be reached 24h/24h in case of emergency and for non-urgent assistance.
In case of emergency
Call the emergency number (09 264 88) 88
- Threats against individuals, fire, explosion, bomb threat, ...
- Medical emergency, accident with hazardous product, ...
- Severe electrical failure, severe flooding, person/people stuck in elevator, ...
- Shocking event
- ...
What to do in case of an incident at Ghent University?
Follow the instructions on Youtube or in the PDF.
Report any suspicious situation to the Ghent University Emergency Centre via the internal emergency number 09 264 88 88.
If making a phonecall is not possible, press a red alarm button!
The Emergency Centre will be notified and will send a security guard to your location. On site, you will hear the warning signal.
What do you do when the warning signal resounds?
A warning signal - sometimes called a fire alarm or pre-alarm - can only be heard in the area or floor where the incident occurs. It indicates a potentially unsafe situation in the nearby area (a smoke detector or red alarm button has been activated).
- Look for the cause of the alarm signal. You do not have to evacuate yet (unless there is real danger to those present).
- Report your findings to the Emergency Centre 09 264 88 88.
- If possible, carry out a first intervention (without endangering yourself).
- You can't find the cause of the signal? Call the Emergency Centre for more info.
What do you do when the evacuation alarm sounds?
An evacuation alarm is a two-tone, continuous alarm that can be heard throughout the building. Respond immediately, even if you do not immediately notice a problem yourself.
- Stop your activities safely.
- Leave your surroundings safely: close windows and (fire) doors, switch off electrical appliances, close gas and water taps, close fume hoods, etc.
- Follow the instructions of the First Intervention Team. You will recognise them by their yellow or orange fluorescent jacket.
- Leave the building as quickly as possible via the nearest (emergency) exit.
- Take only the bare essentials with you, such as your jacket, keys, badge, wallet, laptop, mobile phone.
- Never evacuate through smoke. Is there smoke between your location and the exit? Then use another, safe route.
- Lifts are not usable during evacuation alarms.
- Go to the building's assembly point.
- Keep access routes clear for emergency services.
- Stay at the assembly point. Wait there for information from the emergency services.
Non-urgent assistance
Even if an incident is under control without outside assistance, please contact the Security department for reasons of repairs, insurance, liability, ...
Security department
Stalhof 6
9000 Gent
T +32 9 264 71 25
Please provide as much information as possible:
- WHO: your name and how to reach you
- WHAT: the nature of the incident
- WHERE: the exact location of the incident (complete address, site, building, floor, room number)
- SEVERITY of the problem
Emergency Centre - VICTIMS: are there people hurt or missing, what is the nature of their injuries, ...
- SUBSTANCES: which hazardous substances were used
- CONTACT: who can we reach on site
Response from the Security department
When receiving your (emergency) call, the Security department takes immediate action.
- Gathering information through targeted questions
- Analyzing the information received
- Perform basic operations, such as:
- Notify internal services
- Call emergency services
- Send people on site (security, technical team, ...)
- Making information available in a database
The Emergency Centre is insured against physical or material damage arising from the performance of its private security activities. Injured parties may apply directly to AG Insurance, Avenue Emile Jacqmain 53, 1000 Brussels with policy number 99.661.964.
Complaint handling
Licensed by FOD BiZa as internal security service - BE0248.015.142
It is important that every person can be served according to his/her wishes and in compliance with the legislation applicable to our sector. We will therefore always make every effort to strive for maximum satisfaction with our service. Given that the main asset of our service is its employees and that as human beings we are not infallible, there is a chance that not all the expectations of our - professional - relations will be met according to their expectations. This is why we believe it is important to have a good complaint handling, combined with a good communication to all involved.