Róbert Čonka
Róbert obtained his bachelor in chemistry in 2016, and master of science in chemistry in 2018 at Ghent University (UGent), under the supervision of Prof. Richard Hoogenboom. His master thesis focused on the synthesis of poly(2-oxazoline)-drug conjugates for improved cancer therapy. Later that year, he was granted an FWO-SB scholarship to start his Ph.D. research on high-end hydrogel therapeutics.
Research project:
Róbert combines the expertise of the UGent-based research groups of Laboratory for Chemical Technology (LCT) and Supramolecular Chemistry (SC) to develop hydrogel therapeutics based on poly(2-oxazoline)s. At the LCT, he develops algorithms to model the molecular structure of the terapeutics while at the SC, he performs their synthesis. This interdisciplinary research project is being co-supervised by Prof. Richard Hoogenboom (SC) and by Prof. Dagmar D'hooge (LCT) and is funded by the FWO-SB.
E-mail: robert.conka@ugent.be