
Botanical Garden maintains dynamic relationships with several societies of plant enthusiasts. They usually hold their meetings in or near the garden. Quite a few organise lectures and exhibitions and help us maintain specialised plant collections. Some of them even have their library located in the garden.

The Vrienden van de Plantentuin (Friends of the Botanical Garden) support the Botanical Garden in all its aspects. They organise lots of activities inside and outside the garden and co-ordinate the tour guides.

The society has about 600 members. It celebrated its 25th birthday in 2006. Members receive a quarterly journal and are regularly invited on fascinating trips both in Belgium and abroad.
Drosera unites carnivorous plant enthusiasts. This society not only runs its own collection within the Botanical Garden, it also looks after the garden’s collection and the bog-and-fen patch in the Mediterranean garden. Drosera’s library is located on the premises.

Orchideeën Vereniging Vlaanderen vzw - regio Oost-Vlaanderen (Flemish Orchid Society - East-Flanders section) is our regular consultant as regards horticultural aspects of the garden’s orchid collection. The society operates its own library on the premises. Each year they organise an Orchid Day.

The Vlaamse Rotsplanten Vereniging (Flemish Alpine Plant Society) groups more than 100 lovers of rock gardens and alpine flora. Some of their lectures and meetings take place in the garden.