Sixteen SRH professionals from Eastern Europe and Central Asia trained through ANSER/UNFPA Fall Class 2023


Last week marked the successful conclusion of the 3rd edition of the ANSER/UNFPA Fall Class on 'Accelerating the Implementation of National Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Strategies and Action Plans in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) Region.' This extensive online training program, coordinated by ANSER, provided a unique opportunity for UNFPA staff, policymakers, and other SRHR stakeholders from the region to enhance their knowledge and expertise in bridging the gap between research, policy, and practical implementation in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Drawing upon the wealth of expertise within the global ANSER network, ten lecturers representing seven different institutions ensured that participants benefited from a wide range of perspectives and knowledge.

The program not only offered a strong theoretical foundation but also equipped participants with practical tools to integrate evidence-based policies into their day-to-day work, informed by real-world practice. What truly sets this training program apart is its international perspective, complemented by a focused emphasis on the unique context of the EECA region.

Participants from diverse backgrounds and experiences came together to enrich their collective learning experience. This edition of the training welcomed 16 participants from The Republic of Moldova, Albania, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and received positive evaluations from the participants. We eagerly anticipate welcoming another cohort next year!