ASEANplus Travel grant
Applications can be submitted any time.
Objective of the Mobility grant
With the ASEAN & South Asia Mobility grant we wish to strengthen partnerships between Ghent University and Asian partner institutes. It allows Asian research, teaching or management staff members to spend time at Ghent University in order to gain a better insight in common interests and explore formal collaboration opportunities.
Grant specifications
The grant offers:
- a 2000EUR contribution to travel, accommodation and living expenses
- a stay of min 1 to max 3 months
- a Ghent University visitor card which automatically gives access to Ghent University WiFi and the student restaurants
- assistance (not funding!) for obtaining insurance, visa and application for housing at the university residences
Selection criteria and procedure
The following criteria will be taken into account in the selection procedure:
- The candidate’s profile
- The overall quality of the proposal
- The motivation and feasibility of the research/collaboration plan
- Added value and sustainability
The ASEAN & South Asia Steering Committee with representatives from different faculties will review the applications.
The selection committee will also strive for a balance in:
- Home institutions (geographic spread)
- Ghent University faculties involved
- New and existing partnerships
Ghent University conducts an active policy for diversity and equal opportunities and encourages everybody to apply.
How to apply
- Complete the application form. In the application form, you are asked to briefly describe (in English!):
- Personal information
- The rationale of your stay: with what research group you would like to be affiliated, motivate how your current and future research would benefit from a research stay at Ghent University, what is the expected output and/or impact of your stay.
- A research plan of max. 1500 words: research and/or objectives, methods and materials, a work plan for the intended visit, possible long-term cooperation plans, bibliography, …
- Your signature and the signature of the Ghent University promotor; this implies that you need to have a Ghent University promotor already at application stage. The online research directory can help you finding a promotor, should there not be any links yet. You can also submit a short motivation by the Ghent University promotor, but this is optional.
- A short CV (max 2 pages) in annex to the application form
- Submit the application by e-mail to Incomplete or late submissions will not be considered. Each individual can only obtain one grant.
- Submission: any time
- Selection results: max 2 weeks after submission
- Mobility period: flexible
The researcher is expected to submit a short activity report (free format) highlighting the output of the research stay at the end of the stay.
Former grantees
- drs Giang Hoang, Hué University (Sept 2020)
- Dr IN Sokneang, Institute of Technology - Cambodia (May 2019)
- Dr Ratha SOR, Royal University of Phnom Penh and Chea Sim University of Kamchaymear, Cambodia (2019)
- Dr Anabella TULLIN, Visayas State University, Philippines (2019)
- Dr Dimas Mohammad, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia (Dec 2019)