
Selected projects

VLIR Interuniversity Cooperation (IUC) with Hué University

Tam Giang lagoon, HuéThe VLIR Institutional University Cooperation programme  with Hué University is 12-year partnership between Hue University and the five Flemish universities aiming at empowering the university as to better fulfill its role as development actor in society. the Programme consists of a transversal project (P1) on institutional management and 3 thematic projects: aquaculture and livestock nutrition (P2), ecosystems (P3) and rural health care development (P4). P1 sets up a framework for research-based education and university governance through seminars, workshops, conferences, visits and short training courses with PhD training; P2-3-4 focus  on research but in balance with PhD training.

Prof. Peter Bossier is the Flemish programme coordinator and project leader of the aquaculture component.

  • duration: 2013-2024 (6+4+2 years)
  • budget: 350.000 EUR/y
  • contact:


EURASTiPThe European Asian Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EURASTiP) is a three year research, development and innovation project, funded through the EU Horizon 2020 programme, and developed in response to EU call “reinforcing international cooperation on sustainable aquaculture production with countries from South East Asia”.  EURASTiP provides a structured basis for multi-stakeholder dialogue in the aquaculture community between South East Asia and the EU.

EDULIS - Offshore mussel culture in wind farms

EdulisEdulis studies the feasibility of mussel culture in offshore wind farms, 30 to 50 kilometers off the Belgian coast. In spring 2017 an experimental mussel culture system was installed in the C-Power wind farm to assess mussel seed capture, mussel growth and the impact of environmental factors. A second mussel culture system  placed in the Belwind concession in Nov 2017 measures the forces exerted by the sea on the mussel longline and will allow to determine the minimum requirements for a mussel culture system in open sea.

This ambitious pilot project is largely financed by private funding and facilitated by Flemish and European funding. It is a collaboration between Ghent University, the Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Research (ILVO), 5 private partners: Belwind, Brevisco, C-Power, Colruyt Group and DEME Group, and a third research partner: OD Natuur.


flavoreduc logoHet FLAVOREDUC project bekijkt verschillende methodes om grondsmaak te voorkomen en te elimineren in vis die wordt gekweekt in recirculatie aquacultuursystemen (RAS).

 Vlaams Aquacultuur PlatformVlaams Aquacultuur Platform

Het Vlaams Aquacultuurplatform werd opgericht in september 2012 door Minister-President Kris Peeters met de bedoeling de ontwikkeling van de Vlaamse aquacultuursector te stimuleren en te faciliteren.


AQUAEXCEL2020AQUAEXCEL2020, a Horizon 2020 research infrastructure project, aims to support the sustainable growth of the aquaculture sector in Europe. AQUAEXCEL2020 comprises a large group of leading European aquaculture research facilities that work towards advanced integration and standardisation of tools for aquaculture research. AQUAEXCEL2020 aims to offer services tailored to the needs of the European aquaculture community and support and conduct world-class aquaculture research.

Similar to the forerunner project AQUAEXCEL (2011-2015), one of the key aspects of AQUAEXCEL2020 is to provide subsidised access to its top-class aquaculture facilities as well as numerous highly pertinent services for researchers from academia and industry. AQUAEXCEL2020 will also provide training for transnational access users, aquaculture researchers, technical staff and industry stakeholders. Calls for transnational access will be announced on a regular basis here.



 UNITEDHorizon 2020 project on offshore wind, flat oyster aquaculture & restoration, and seaweed research in Belgium.