Procedures for reimbursement of costs

1. Apply for recognition via Oasis. If your application for recognition and funding is successful, you will receive an email confirming that this is the case.

2. Register for the course. Registration happens through the course organizers, not the Doctoral School.

3. Ask your department to pay the trainings costs, providing them with the email confirming your application was successful (cf. step 1 above). Make sure that the training costs are paid in advance. This may be done through a departmental budget (preferably an E/xxxxx/xx budget) or one of your supervisor’s budgets (preferably an E/xxxxx/xx budget). If you cannot use an E-budget, please contact

4. After completion of the course, reclaim the training costs from the Doctoral School (if applicable). PhD students are required to hand in the following documents at the latest three months after completion of the course:

  • A) proof of successful participation
  • B) SAP proof of payment from the departmental budget or one of your supervisor’s budgets. If the training costs were paid by an employer (other than Ghent University), please contact
  • C) The confirmation letter from step 1 (cf. above)

The documents must be sent to the Doctoral School Office, Universiteitstraat 8, 9000 Gent,

If you have any questions about the reimbursement procedure, please email

IMPORTANT: The documents should be submitted in Oasis no later than three months after successful completion of the course. Incomplete files will not be accepted.