Bioresource Recovery Seminars– putting the circular economy to action

Target group

This seminar series is targeted to PhD students, researchers, and partner platforms linked to AUGent, and working under the umbrella of bioresource recovery.

Topic and theme

Promoted by the community, the cycle of scientific seminars will be focused on topics related to both bioresource recovery and the circular economy.

The overall seminar series aim at:

  • bringing together experts from all disciplines across the AUGent (UGent, HoGent, Artevelde Hogeschool,  and HOWEST);
  • fostering scientific collaboration as well (business) valorization that can flow from such collaborations.

The course will focus on both topics related to bioresource recovery and circular economy targeting various environmental fields such as energy, biomaterials, waste valorisation and water.

  • Waste to energy… and more
  • Sustainable design of biomaterials
  • Value chain assessment of biowaste valorization into resources
  • Nutrient recycling and primary resource substitution
  • Water Recovery
  • Biochemical Recovery

Besides dedicated sessions to each of the topics above, the course will also have a Joint Thematic Session in which the PhD students following the course will have the opportunity to present their research to experts in the field and receive feedback on their work. A field trip to a business implementing a circular bioeconomy approach will also be organized.


By attending our series of seminars, PhD students and young researchers will gain a unique learning experience and up-to-date information on research and novelties in the waste recovery field.

It will give them as well the opportunity to become research-active and get a chance to meet and interact with similar researchers with the same interest as well as most renowned experts coming from both research and industry field working under the umbrella of environment and more specifically within the waste recovery field.

Dedicated experts will bring the top information on the novel approach in the conversion of the waste streams through thermal, catalytic and bio-based processes into valuable energy products as well as useful feedstocks.


  • 1st Seminar:  23 Jan 2025, Waste to energy, online,

Frederik Ronsse and Erik Meers

  • 2nd Seminar:   27 Februari 2025, Nutrient recycling and primary resource substitution, online

Stefaan de Neve and Erik Meers

  • 3rd Seminar:  27 March 2025, Sustainable design of bio-based materials, online

Alexandra De Raeve and Francesca Ostuzzi

  • 4th Seminar:   24 April 2025, Water recovery, online

Imca Sampers, Christine Van der Heyden

  • 5th seminar: 22 May 2025, Biochemicals recovery, online

Katleen Raes

  • 6th Seminar:  19 June 2025, Value chain assessment of biowaste valorization into resources, online

Marieke Franck

  • 7th Seminar: 03 July 2025 Field trip

Marcella Fernandes De Souza


  • Follow this link for the registration and waiting list. We check if you are eligible to participate. Due to limited places, we give priority to PhD students. Your registration will be confirmed by separate e-mail (outlook invite).
  • Cancellation of your registration can only be performed by sending an email to

Evaluation criteria (doctoral training programme)

  • Attendance to at least 5 of the organised seminars in the series (attendance list)
  • Active participation in the seminars
  • Give a presentation in at least one of the seminars

Number of participants

maximum 10