Advanced Academic English: English Proficiency for Presentations
Communication Skills
Target group
Members of the Doctoral School
Participants are relatively fluent in English, but still encounter frequent linguistic difficulties to accurately and effectively communicate academic content.
This course focuses on correct language use in academic presentations. It includes presentation tasks such as introducing yourself as a researcher, explaining a key term from your field, and describing a visual, such as a graph or a chart. These academic assignments will be used to tackle topics such as pronunciation control, academic vocabulary expansion and grammatical accuracy. In the latter category, the course practices and discusses common pitfalls such as tense use, adjective versus adverb use, relative clauses and subject-verb agreement.
Placement test: No
The course is aimed at improving the language skills needed for oral presentations at conferences or other academic meetings. Participants will learn how to present their research topic more fluently, clearly and accurately.
Time schedule & Venue
Course code | Dates (4 sessions of 3 hrs on Thursdays) |
Time |
Teaching room/Venue | Teacher |
PROP-2425-02 |
11 + 18 + 25 February + 04 March 2025 (4 sessions) |
13:30 - 16:30 | Veyrac 8 | Eveline Mainil |
Registration procedure
You can not register for this course if you have already followed the course 'Advanced Academic English: Conference Skills'.
Follow this link for the registration and waiting list.
Registration fee
Free of charge for the members of the Doctoral School. The no show policy applies.
Number of participants
Evaluation criteria (doctoral training programme)
100% active participation. During the final session, the students hold a short presentation about their research topic fit for an educated lay audience. They will be evaluated with a specific focus on linguistic features.
After successful participation, the Doctoral School Office will add this course to your curriculum of the Doctoral Training Programme in Oasis. Please note that this takes up to one to two months after completion of the course.