Grow to lead


Leadership & Efficiency

Target group

Members of the Doctoral School


3rd / 4th year PhD candidates


Robin Lefebvre, Grow2Excel


A starting leader will learn the simple rule, to write down how you want to be lead, and then apply the same strategy for your employee’s. A great leader will learn that there are many different leadership styles and each style has its most opportune moment to use. The opportune moments depend on the situation and the employee. Do you know what style works best for your colleagues? Do you know what your personal preferred style is, and how it is being perceived by your  colleagues / students / employees?

This training starts with a leadership survey, self-identifying your personal style and receiving feedback from your colleagues on your style. Next we will cover the different leadership styles and when to apply them. For the 3 most important styles, we will go step by step when and how to used them. Putting theory in practice. Last we will cover how to recognize which personality types you have in your organisation and how you can best adapt your leadership style to empower your colleagues the most. Great leaders play chess, not checkers. Greatness of a leader is not measured by your personal success, but by the success of the people around you, by having interacted with you.


1. Understanding the difference between leadership, managing, and coaching.

2. Understanding the different leadership styles, and when to apply them.

3. Understand and practice the tools for visionary leadership:

  • Motivate and inspire others.
  • Value based teams.
  • Leveraging different types of goal setting (performance, process, learning).
  • Give clear result oriented feedback.

4. Understand and practice the tools for individualised leadership:

  • How to ask the right questions.
  • Build trust and relationships via listening.
  • Leverage coaching as a leader.

5. Understand and practice the tools for participative leadership:

  • How to delegate tasks and responsibility
  • Create collaborative partnerships
  • Understanding the power of moments.

6. Understanding personality and the impact of leadership styles.

Training pre-work

Before the training the participant will be asked to share their learning objectives for the training, complete an online assessment and ask managers, colleagues, peers, reportees or students to complete a leadership assessment about them.

Learning objectives, which will be confirmed during the start of the training, will be checked at each relevant chapter of the training, to ensure they have been answered.

  1. A Leadership Styles self-assessment (current and future objective), and a personality assessment.
  2. A Leadership Styles feedback assessment (current and future objective), and a personality assessment from their manager, colleagues, peers, reportees or students.
  3. A leadership case study; a challenge that they have faced or are facing that will be handled during the training.

Training methods

This training is designed to provide you with both the skills and the tools to become a better leader, manager, and collaborator. It helps if you already have leadership experience, but it is not required. However this training is more than a just a set of scientifically proven models, it is a leadership trajectory, where we will start with a 2 day deep dive, followed with 3 half day reconnects, each set about 2 weeks apart, to enable you to start implementing the training in practice. There will be substantial pre-work and homework. So if you hope to follow this training to tick a box, it might not be for you. If you however want to start growing as a leader of others and are not afraid of working hard and learning a lot, this training will give you science, practice, and experience.

Time schedule

Course code





7 October 2024

8 October 2024

25 October 2024

5 November 2024

20 November 2024








Registration fee

Free of charge for Doctoral School members. The no show policy applies.


Follow this link to subscribe to the registration or waiting list.

Your registration will be confirmed by separate e-mail from the Doctoral School. Cancellation of your registration can only be performed by sending an email to

Teaching and learning material

PDF, training booklet, Training Action Plan, Team Matrix, rapport on leadership and personality, hand-outs, discussion forms and video material, training summary.

Number of participants

Maximum 16



Evaluation methods and criteria (doctoral training programme)

Non-periodic continuous assessment; 100% participation

After successful participation, the Doctoral School will add this course to your curriculum of the Doctoral Training Programme in Oasis. Please note that this takes up to one to two months after completion of the course.