From the definition of a realistic career plan to an effective job search strategy


Career management

Target group

Members of the Doctoral School no previous knowledge required


A long-term career path needs to take into account participant’s skills, preferences and the labour market. It must be both personal and realistic. Therefore, participants have to think about what they can do, what they want to do and what are the employers' needs. Once the professional project has been defined, it is essential to have the right methods and tools to convince the employer and to optimize your chances of realizing your project.

The objectives are to :

  • Explore the PhDs’ career options (in and out of academia)
  • Start designing a long-term career plan matching your expectations
  • Decode and understand the employer’s expectations in the hiring process
  • Optimise communication tools towards employers (resume, cover letter, job interview)


Interactive workshop with a presentation of theoretical concepts (labour market, skills, recruitment processes…); illustrated by concrete examples, testimonials; advice; grids of analysis of professional experiences; introspection tools; motivations grid; brainstorming on job opportunities. Practical and personalized recruitment tips; CV; evaluation exercise. Simulation of recruitment interview by role-play in pairs, with the group with the trainer and debriefing.


Day 1

  1. Identify the diversity of careers
  2. Become aware of and define your skills
  3. Define your preferences

Day 2

  1. Define your professional options
  2. Finalise the definition of your career path

Day 3

  1. Understand the recruitment process
  2. Master job search tools
  3. Practice the job interview

Time schedule & Venue

Course code


(1 course = 3 x 1 day)

Time Format
CP-2425-01 19 and 24 September and 10 October 2024


19/09: Leslokaal 1.1 (Campus Ledeganck)

24/09: Vergaderzaal 1.2 (Campus Ledeganck)

10/10: Leslokaal 0.5 (Campus Ledeganck)

Registration procedure

Follow this link for the registration and waiting list. 

Registration fee

Free of charge for members of the Doctoral School. The no show policy applies.


Laurence Theunis

Number of participants




Evaluation methods and criteria (doctoral training programme)

100% Attendance and active participation.

After successful participation, the Doctoral School will add this course to your curriculum of the Doctoral Training Programme in Oasis. Please note that this takes up to one to two months after completion of the course.