Coastal & Ocean Basin Ostend (Belgium)

Coastal & Ocean Basin Ostend
The COB is part of Flanders Maritime Laboratory, one of the international and "heavy" research infrastructures in which the Flemish Department of Economy, Science and Innovation and the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) have invested over the past decade. In addition to the COB, the Flanders Maritime Laboratory also houses a shallow water towing tank, that allows for maneuvering tests with scale models up to 8 meters in length. These facilities will strengthen the international research position of Flanders in the field of coastal and offshore engineering.
Wide field of applications
The Coastal & Ocean Basin Ostend offers a wide range of possible applications for researchers and companies, with excellent conditions for scale testing of:
- Coastal structures
- Offshore structures
- Ocean energy
- Floating structures & mooring applications
- Nature based coastal defense solutions
- Testing of observation equipment
- 6 DOF Motion tracking
COB Specifications
- Basin dimensions (L x W x H): 30 x 30 x 2.3 m
- Variable water depth (0.4 – 1.4 m), central pit of up to 4.5 m deep
- Wave heights up to 0.55 m
- Currents up to 0.4 m/s
- Wave-current interaction in any relative direction
- L-shaped wavemaker (20 x 20 m)
- 86 Piston type wave paddles, offering very realistic sea states
- Regular and irregular, first and second order, long- and short-crested waves
- Active wave absorption
- Propeller type current generation
- Flexible current direction
- Excellent quality velocity profile
- Turbulence level suppression
Video: First wave generator start-up tests at COB Ostend
Project portfolio
The Coastal & Ocean Basin Ostend has completed several projects within its wide field of applications:
- WECfarm project: Experimental modelling of an array of five point absorber wave energy converters
- Phairywind project: Physical modelling of the wave field close to a monopile
Partners & funding
The Coastal & Ocean Basin Ostend is managed by a consortium composed of Ghent University, KU Leuven and Flanders Hydraulics Research, and is supported by a number of strategic key partners:
- IECRE partner:
- Key partner in ESFRI Marinerg-i:
- OWI-Lab partner:
- Local network of leading companies supporting the COB
The COB received funding from different projects and institutions:
- Gen4Wave project
- initiated by UGent & AGORIA Generaties
- organised by UGent / KU Leuven / FHR - Hercules foundation project (now FWO)
- large research infrastructure
- wavemaker & current generator - VLAIO (formerly IWT)
- research infrastructure and personnel - Department of Mobility and Public Works
- housing and concrete structures
Coastal & Ocean Basin - Flanders Maritime Laboratory
Wetenschapspark 8
8400 Oostende (Belgium)
COB Director
Department of Civil Engineering
+32 (0)471 44 75 61