Finalized PhD's Medisip
Academic year 2023-2024
- Timing Capabilities and Image Reconstruction for the Walk-Through PET: A Large Flat-Panel PET System with Monolithic Detectors (Jens Maebe)
- Mind the others: An electrophysiological investigation of the psychosocial stress response (Gert Vanhollebeke)
- The Use of Artificial Intelligence for EEG-Based Diagnosis of Epilepsy after a First Seizure (Jolan Heyse)
- Automated EEG Source Imaging to Localize the Epileptogenic Zone in Patients with Drug-Resistant Epilepsy (Amir Ghasemi Baroumand)
Academic year 2021-2022
- Improvement of Spatial Resolution in Monolithic Detectors for Clinical PET (Mariele Stockhoff)
Academic year 2020-2021
- Advancing Medical Imaging with Artificial Intelligence: PET Acquisition Enhancement and MRI-Based Brain Tumour Diagnosis (Milan Decuyper)
- Longitudinal Structural and Functional Brain Network Changes during Epileptogenesis in a Rat Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (Emma Christiaen)
Academic year 2019-2020
- Evaluation of Image Quality and Reconstruction Parameters in Recent PET-CT and PET-MR Systems (Paulo Rauli Rafeson De Vasconcelos Caribé)
- Unravelling xylem-transported CO2 dynamics in poplar branches and leaves using positron emission tomography and autoradiography (Jens Mincke)
Academic year 2018-2019
- Artificial intelligence in medical imaging for the diagnosis of primary brain tumours (Stijn Bonte)
- Towards diffusion MRI biomarkers for cognitive training in a mild traumatic brain injury rat model (Kim Braeckman)
Academic year 2017-2018
- 18F Labeled bile acid analogues as molecular imaging tools to monitor hepatobiliary transport in drug-induced cholestasis and liver disease (Stef De Lombaerde)
- EEG source connectivity for seizure onset zone localization in epilepsy (Willeke Staljanssens)
- PET-imaging in depression and antidepressant therapies : focus on the serotonin system and the cerebral glucose metabolism (Nick Van Laeken)
Academic year 2016-2017
- Accurate skull modeling for EEG source imaging (Victoria Eugenia Montes Restrepo)
- Assessment of therapy response and differentiation between tumor recurrence and therapy-related effects in high-grade glioma using PET and MRI (Julie Bolcaen)
- Brain-computer interfaces with machine learning : a symbiotic approach (Thibault Verhoeven)
- Development of digital silicon photomultipliers based detectors for high-resolution positron emission tomography (Radoslaw Marcinkowski)
Academic year 2015-2016
- Modeling and evaluation of new collimator geometries in SPECT (Lara da Rocha Vaz Pato)
- Non-invasive visualisation and quantification of (disturbed) hepatobiliary transport (Sara Neyt)
- Use of functional neuroimaging and optogenetics to explore deep brain stimulation targets for the treatment of Parkinson's disease and epilepsy (Nathalie Van Den Berge)
Academic year 2014-2015
- Advanced Forward Models for EEG Source Imaging (Gregor Strobbe)
- Stationary, MR-compatible brain SPECT imaging based on multi-pinhole collimators (Karen Van Audenhaege)
Academic year 2013-2014
- Iterative Reconstruction in Micro-SPECT/CT: Regularized Sparse-View CT and Absolute In Vivo Multi-Isotope Micro-SPECT Quantification (Bert Vandeghinste)
- Preclinical SPECT Imaging Based on Compact Collimators and High Resolution Scintillation Detectors (Karel Deprez)
- Transmission-based attenuation correction for time-of-flight positron emission tomography (Pieter Mollet)
Academic year 2012-2013
- Epileptic Focus Localization Using Functional Brain Connectivity (Pieter van Mierlo)
- Functional changes in the visually stimulated ortex of patients with migraine without aura: an interictal fMRI study (Benedicte Descamps)
Academic year 2011-2012
- MRI-Based Attenuation Correction for Emission Tomography (Vincent Keereman)
Academic year 2010-2011
- Monte Carlo-based reconstruction for positron emission tomography (Long Zhang)
- Yttrium-90 Bremsstrahlung SPECT Imaging (Erwann Rault)
Academic year 2009-2010
- Blind Source Extraction Methods for Bio-Electrical MultiSensor Signal Processing (Ronald Phlypo)
Academic year 2008-2009
- Acceleration of GATE Monte Carlo simulations (Jan De Beenhouwer)
- Automated Subject-Specific Peak Identification andBallistocardiographic Artifact Correction in EEG-fMRI (Sara Assecondi)
- Incorporation of anisotropic conductivities in EEG source analysis (Hans Hallez)
- Validation Methods for Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Brain White Matter (Els Fieremans)
- SPECT Imaging with Rotating Slat Collimation (Roel Van Holen)
- Techniques for Improving Image Quality of Medical DisplaySystems (Tom Kimpe)
Academic year 2007-2008
- Detection and analysis of epileptiform activity in the electroencephalogram (Peter Van Hese)
- In Vivo Quantitative Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (Mahir Ozdemir)
Academic year 2004-2005
- Monte Carlo simulations for system modeling in emission tomography (Steven Staelens)
Academic year 2001-2002
- Coïncidentiedetectie met een gammacamera (Yves D’Asseler)
- Iterative list mode reconstruction for coincidence imaging (Stefaan Vandenberghe)
- Kwantitatieve SPECT-beeldvorming van de hersenen (Michel Koole)
Academic year 2000-2001
- List-mode iterative reconstruction for SPECT (Luc Bouwens)
Academic year 1999-2000
Academic year 1997-1998
Academic year 1994-1995
- Bayesiaanse beeldreconstructie in positron-emissietomografie (Paul Desmedt)
Academic year 1987-1988
- Positron-defectstudies in Ag, Bi, In en Ni (Ignace Lemahieu)