Assessment and repair of existing structures
Concrete is often considered to be the ultimate construction material, thanks to its considerable strength, relatively low cost and virtually limitless design capabilities. The research groups of prof. dr. ir. Robby Caspeele, and prof. dr. ir. Stijn Matthys and studies the structural behaviour of concrete using experimental and numerical analysis, focusing among others on the following topics.
Assessment and repair of existing structures
- Structural assessment of existing concrete structures (contact person: Prof. R. Caspeele)
- Structural modelling of corrosion effects (contact person: Prof. R. Caspeele)
- Bayesian life-cycle methodology for the structural assessment of existing concrete structures (contact person: Prof. R. Caspeele)
- Applications of externally applied reinforcement (contact person: Prof. S. Matthys)
- FRP strengthened slabs under blast (contact person: Prof. S. Matthys)
Full-size test set-up on membrane action in reinforced concrete slabs.