Rudy Aernoudt

Visiting professorRudy Aernoudt


Holding master’s degree in monetary and industrial economics from KU Leuven, European economics from the College of Europe and Thomistic philosophy from KU Leuven, Rudy Aernoudt began his career as credit manager in the international banking sector before becoming an official in the European Commission. He was mainly responsible for programs for access to finance. He has written several books and articles on enterprise finance, on politics, on philosophy and in particular on corruption

At the age of 28 he became a professor in corporate finance and European enterprise policy at Ghent University, department of economics and teaches as well at the University of Nancy (Master in European economics). Since 2022, he is affiliate professor at the BMI executive MBA, in partnership with LMS-Leuven and HEC Paris, ranked 17th executive MBA in the world.

He was director-general of OLPC, a spin-off of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Based on this experience, he became curator of TEDx Brussels ( Now he is a regular speaker at TEDx events on topics as the (non)sense of economy. Besides, he speaks at numerous conferences (ESA, OECD, Dubai Forum, CEO summit, etc).

He teaches various Finance related courses in the programmes Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Public Administration and Management and Master of Applied Economics.

Selected publications

1. Executive forum : the scale-up gap: and how to address it, (2017), venture capital, 19(4). p.361-372
2. Guarantees instrument obsolete or future-oriented?, (2019), in Bellavitis, et. al, New Frontiers Entrepreneurial Finance Research.
3. Bridging the Gender divide in Business and Finance, (2019), The Parliament
4. Unleashing firms’ growth potential, (2019), Ekonomiaz 95/1, p. 134 – 155.
5. Executive forum : A gender financing gap: fake news or evidence?, 2020, Venture capital