07-10-2024 12:30
Infosessie 'Brownbag session: Doing research in authoritarian environments'
09-10-2024 19:00
Lezing 'Armenia-EU Relations: Recent Rapprochement and Future Prospects' by Tigran Balayan (Ambassador of Armenia)
14-10-2024 12:00
Debat 'Beyond academia: Building a career in non-academic settings'
18-10-2024 12:00
Debat 'Book discussion: The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality, Volume 3'
29-10-2024 18:30
Lezing 'Oil wealth, space, and inequality in Baku, Azerbaijan'
30-10-2024 19:30
Lezing 'Wordt Trump de 47e president van de VS?'
04-12-2024 11:00
Vergadering 'Eureast Platform Open Steering Group'