
Prentje Lieselot DanneelsLieselot Danneels

Digital Transformation
Digital transformation in the public sector
Government as a Platform

    Prof. dr. Claire DupontClaire Dupont

    European Union
    Climate policy
    Energy policy
    Governance of sustainability

      Prof. dr. Marleen EastonMarleen Easton

      Governance, Security
      Safety - Innovation
      Networking - Resilience


      Tessa HaesevoetsTessa Haesevoets

      Participatory democracy
      Interpersonal relations
      Judgment and decision making processes

      Prof. dr. Carine SmoldersCarine Smolders
      Fiscal policy
      Public finance
      Ben SuykensBen Suykens

      Nonprofit management
      Cross-country comparison

      Prof. dr. Bram VerschuereBram Verschuere

      Welfare policy
      Citizen participation
      Public administration
      Local democracy

      Prof. dr. Joris VoetsJoris Voets

      Collaboration & netwerk governance
      Local government
      Regional governance

      Prof. dr. Ellen WayenbergEllen Wayenberg
      Policy analysis and evaluation
      Local government
      Multilevel governance
       Bishoy ZakiBishoy Zaki
       Public policy
      Policy learning
      International development
      Public management