Services for Researchers
The Department offers several services for both academic and non-academic researchers.
Proteomics Core
In addition to routine applications, also customized services are provided. The facility is able to deliver high quality services at all times, encompassing every step of a proteomics experiment. Users are guided from sample collection to data analysis and receive assistance from the PRC team to formulate biological conclusions that are easy to interpret for the non-proteomics expert.
Zebrafish Facility Ghent
Our zebrafish facility has a capacity of about 17000 adult fish. The housing systems provide optimal and standardized environmental conditions for the fish. Besides wild type zebrafish, several transgenic reporter lines and models for different human disorders are maintained in these systems. A fully trained animal caretaker is involved in the breeding and care of the fish.
Our services include housing and training in basic zebrafish techniques, generation of CRISPR mutants and morphants, patient-derived xenografting, toxicity testing, sperm cryopreservation, in vitro fertilization and biobanking as well as consultancy services.
- Website of the Zebrafish Facility Ghent
- The Zebrafish Facility is part of the Faculty Core Facilities