Scientific Publications
An acknowledgment should appear in all reports and publications prepared using HPC-UGent resources:
- The computational resources (Stevin Supercomputer Infrastructure) and services used in this work were provided by the VSC (Flemish Supercomputer Center), funded by Ghent University, FWO and the Flemish Government – department EWI.
Registering your publications with HPC-UGent
Please register all publications, reports, proceedings, chapters (books), posters, etc. on the HPC-UGent project page of the Ghent University Academic Bibliography. Adding your publication data in this database is mandatory for all UGent researchers! Here is how to:
- Go to
- Add a new publication and fill in authors, title, etc.
- Scroll down to the Project text field and enter 'HPC-UGent' (mind the capitals!)
Don't worry that 'HPC-UGent' doesn't show up in the pull-down list. - Save your publication, review and submit
If your publication was already registered in the biblio-database, but not linked to the HPC-UGent project, mail the corresponding Record IDs from biblio to
Publication list HPC-UGent
A full overview of all registered publications tied to the HPC-UGent infrastructure can be found here: