The Philosophy programme focuses on critical reflection on fundamental issues concerning human beings, society and the world. In this reflection, the questions and answers formulated in the humanities and natural sciences occupy an important place. Theory of knowledge, logic, philosophy of science, metaphysics and aesthetics are important research domains. In addition, much attention is paid to the history of philosophy from antiquity to the present, philosophical anthropology and theoretical and practical ethics.
The Moral Sciences programme distinguishes itself from Philosophy by covering a special domain. In addition to an important foundation in logic, epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophical anthropology and the history of philosophy, they delve deeper into theoretical and practical ethics and focus on the philosophical, humanities and scientific investigation of the moral phenomenon. They learn empirical research methods with which they study moral phenomena descriptively and for this they get a background in the social sciences and psychology.
Bachelor and Master
Master of Science in Teaching Arts and Humanities
Abridged bachelor
If you have a higher education degree (graduate, professional or academic bachelor), you can obtain a bachelor's degree of Arts in Philosophy or Moral Sciences via an abridged track.
The abridged bachelor consists of a package of 120 credits from the regular bachelor. An exemption package of 60 credits is granted. If you study full-time, you can obtain the degree in two years.
Annual lecture series
More information about our Annual Lecture Series can be found on the Humanities Academie pages