
Regional projects

VLAIO - Projects

  1. AIFlanders - Top Technology Artificial Intelligence - topic: physics based learning (>2019)
  2. cSBO Upheat-Ines - Upgraded High Temperature Heat in Energy Intensive Sectors Moonshot (2021-2025)
  3. TeTra - GAICIA – Behaviour based AI against industrial cyber attacks ()
  4. TeTra - OptiMotion - Optimisation of Machine Design through Virtual Engineering (2019-2022) (HBC.2019.2035)
  5. Living Lab - Industry 4.0: Machine Upgrade (XXX)
  6. Baekeland - PhD - Leoluca Scurria - Development and validation of modelling techniques for lubricated contacts 
  7. Baekeland - PhD - Tim Van Poucke - (2022-2026) (HBC.2022.0715) 
  8. Baekeland - PhD - Zaaquib Ahmed (2018-2022)

VLAIO - Industrial R&D projects

  1. R&D AI4Test - Artificial Intelligence (AI) supported physical TESTing (HBC.2022.0005)
  2. R&D ADAPT Adaptivity through Assembly Profile Training (HBC.2019.2635)
  3. R&D VENTI Cost effective compact integrated electric powertrain (HBC.2019.2342)
  4. R&D ViDB Virtual Drawind and Bunching (HB.2018.0240)
  5. R&D Flex (2018)
  6. R&D ECOFLOW (HBC.2017.0142)
  7. R&D Monitoring via Inverse Thermal Modelling of Burial Depth of Offshore Cables (HBC.2016.0761)

FWO projects 

  1. SBO CTRLxAI - Merging classical control with RL (2022-2026)
  2. SBO AM4EM - Additive Manufacturing for Electric Machines (S00172N, 2021-2025)
  3. SBO ContactLub - Advanced Computational Modelling of Lubricated Components In Powertrains  (S006519N, 2020-2023)
  4. PRJ - Computational modelling and optimization of surface texturing in Lubricated Contacts
  5. PRJ - Modeling and Validation of Analgesie Prediction of Computer Controlled TIVA systems 
  6. PRJ - Dynamic Energy Optimisation of Renewable Energy Systems to Capture Variable Energy Sources 
  7. PRJ - Reducing the Fluid Induced Vibrations in Steam Generators and Heat Exchangers via two-phase fluid-structure interaction calculations

FWO individual mandates

  1. Development of an integrated end-to-end simulation platform for continuous manufacturing of oral tablets (2022, PD Dana Copot)
  2. Development of surrogate-assisted algorithms for combined design and trajectory optimization of dynamic mechatronic systems (2022, PD Jolan Wauters)
  3. Flow boiling in confined spaces under spatially and temporally varying heat flux conditions (2021, PhD Jana Rogiers)
  4. XXX (2022, PhD Geoffrey Postal (FNRS)) 
  5. Semantic graphs for personalized intelligent tutoring systems (2021, PhD Arthur Thuy) 
  6. Smart theranostic applications based on magnetic particle imaging Annelies Coene PD2 (2021)
  7. Development of techniques to simulate the interaction between air jets and a flexible, fuzzy yarn (2021, PhD Axel Bral)
  8. Real-time optimization of bio-inspired wings using the deformable overset method and machine learning(PhD Romain Poletti, 2021)
  9. Unravelling two-phase expansion by experimental research on optical accessible volumetric machines (PhD Xander Vanheule, 2020)
  10. Detecting and Preventing Low Precedence Changes in Electromechanical Actuators Using Probabilistic Graphs (PhD Jordi Van Damme, 2019)
  11. Modeling and validation of analgesia prediction for computerized TIVA systems (PhD Mihaela Ghita, 2019)
  12. FWO PD SoE Non-Lin-Tribo (2020)
  13. Physics-enhanced machine learning for the domain-aware predictive maintenance (PhD Tamir Mazaev)
  14. Thermohydraulic modeling of metal foam enhanced phase change materials for latent thermal energy storage (PhD Wim Beyne)
  15. Autonomous reconfiguration of electric modular drive trains (PhD Lynn Verkroost)
  16. Heat Transfer of Cooling liquids in the proximity of the critical point (PhD Jera Van Nieuwenhuyse)
  17. Modelling and Control of non-Newtonion Fluids (PhD Isabelle Biers)
  18. Dynamic Hybrid Modelling of Virtual Test Scenario's and Optimal Design of Drive Trains (PhD Wannes De Groote)
  19. A complete Guideline for Drug Regulation of Surgical Intervention under Complete Anesthesia (PD Dana Copot)
  20. Wind-structure Interaction of Light Weigth Pretensioned Membrame Constructions (XXX)
  21. Two-Phase Expansion in Volumetric Expanders (PD Steven Lecompte)
  22. Optimization of Electrically Resonant Power Transfer Structures for Remote Rotational and Translational Actuation (PhD Matthias Vandeputte)
  23. Sensorless Load Angle Detection for Dynamic Stepper Motors (PhD Jasper De Viane)

Flanders Make - ICON (academia-industry collective) projects

  1. TUPIC: Tuning of Parametrized Industrial Controllers with AI (HBC.2022)
  2. Schedule4FMS: Task scheduling for Flexible Manufacturing Systems in which humans cooperate with Autonomous production systems (HBC.2022)
  3. INCADD: Intelligent Capturing of Drivetrain Data (HBC.2021)
  4. CVM4Assembly: Propagating product variability to assembly instructions (HBC.2021)
  5. SingleOilCnL: Single oil-based active cooling and lubrication of electrical drivetrains (HBC.2020)
  6. FROGS: Flexible and Robust Robotic Gripping Solutions able to deal with product variability (HBC.2020)
  7. Ergo-EyeHand: Ergonomic Monitoring and Improvement (HBC.2019.)
  8. ID2CON - Integrated IDentification for CONtrol (HBC.2019.0083)
  9. DTDesign : Framework for Systematic Design of Digital Twins (HBC.2019.0079)
  10. Torque Ripple: Electromagnetic torque ripple reduction for drivetrains (HBC.2018.0253)
  11. OperatorKnowledge - Automated Creation of Digital Assembly Instructions by Operator Driven Knowledge Capturing (HBC.2017.0395)
  12. CONACON - Context Aware Control (HBC.2018.0235) 
  13. MODA - MOdel based Data Analytics (HBC.2017.0392)
  14. HIPERCOOL - High performance cooling of integrated drivetrains (HBC.2016.0463)
  15. OperatorInfo - Bi-directional context sensitive information sharing for operators
  16. DRIVETRAIN-CODESIGN_ICON: Physical and control co-design of electromechanical drivetrains for machines and vehicles (2017)

Flanders Make - SBO (strategic basic research) projects with industrial advisory groups

  1. EBearDam: Strategies to Avoid Electrically Induced Bearing Damage (2022)
  2. Fibermech: Fiber optics and predictable physical models towards load analysis in mechatronic systems (2022)
  3. CADAIVISION: Motion visualization and analysis through digital twins based on CAD, AI and Vision (2022)
  4. Rexpek: Reproducing Expert Knowledge (2022)
  5. WellFiciency: Measuring and Optimizing Operator Well-being via Dashboards and Task Allocation While Sustaining Production EfFiciency (2022)
  7. SkilledWorkforce: Operator Competence Management towards a Skilled and Resilient Workforce (2022)
  8. QED: Quantified Evolution of Degradation in gears (2021)
  9. Quasimo: Quality via a System Intelligence Methodology (2021)
  10. OperatorAssist: A digital Assistant for Assembly Operators (2021)
  11. ActiLub: Active Control of Lubricant Temperature in Individual Bearings ( 2021)
  12. DT4V: Digital Twins (DT) for Validation of Dynamic Performance & Reliability of Motion Systems (2020)
  13.  DIRAC - Deterministic and Inexpensive Realizations of Advanced Control  (2019)
  14. DGTwinPrediction - A Digital Twin for Health Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance (2019)
  15. WorkDrive - Modular, autonomous work-drive architectures (2019)
  16. AssemblyRecon - Decision Framework for Assembly System Reconfiguration (2019)
  17. ModulAR - Design and validation of modular drivetrain Architectures (2018)
  18. PaCO - Product Assembly Co Design (2017)
  19. MultiSysLeCo - Multi System Learning Control (2017)
  20. MultiSensor - 
  21. Flexas VR - Design Framework for Flexible Assembly with Operator VR Validation (2017)
  22. ROCSIS - Robust and optimal control for systems of interacting subsystems (2015)
  23. MOFORM - Model-based force measurement (2015)
  24. EMODO - Efficient model based design parameter exploration and optimization in mechatronics (2015)
  25. EMTECHNO - EMerging TECHNOlogies in Multiport Systems for Energy Efficient Drivetrains (2015, IWT 150513)
  26. YVES - Augemented Workers using Smart Robots in a Manufacturing Cell (2015)

Flanders Make - IRVA projects, projects with industrial advisory groups & B2B

  1. HAIEM - Hybrid AI for Estimation in Mechatronics (2021)

Flanders Make - infrastructure projects

  1. AugmentX: Flanders Make Human Augmentation Research, Validation & Demonstration Lab (2021)
  2. HEAL: Flexible assembly infrastructure for heavy and large products (2021)
  3. InfraRel: Infrastructure for Electrical Machines Reliability (2021)
  4. INFRAFlex - Infrastructure for flexible assembly and disassembly of medium-sized products (2018)
  5. ITHACA - Infrastructure for thermal advanced characterization of drivetrain components (2016)


  1. SCK-CEN: Development of Reduced Order CFD models
  2. SCK-CEN:  Gathering expertise On Vibration ImpaKt In Nuclear power Generation (2022)
  3. ManUwin: Manufacturing Workplace Innovation (2018)
  4. ETF-Muse: Molecues at Sea (2022)
  5. ETF-Borne: Belgian Offshore aiRborne wind Energy; (2021)
  6. ETF-PhairyWind: The offshore wind beneath the wings of young researchers, turning the blades of the Belgian offshore wind sector (2019)
  7. ETF-BEOWind: Belgian Offshore Wind energy parks: tools to enhance the provision of ancillary services, the stability of
    the grid and the lifetime of the infrastructure (2018)

International projects

  1. HEu-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01-25: Data and METAdata for advanced digitalization of manuFACTURING industrial lines (METAFACTURING) (ID:101091635)  (2023-2025)
  2. HEu-CL5-2022-D5-01-02 High efficiency, high power density, cost effective, scalable and modular power electronics and control solutions for electric vehicles (HIGHSCAPE) (ID: 101056824) (2023-2025)
  3. HEu-MSCA-IDN: EMByAm: Exploring the additive manufacturing possibilities for electrical machines (ID:101073250) (2022-2026)
  4. H2020-LC-SC3-RES-16-2019 Augmenting grid stability through Low-head Pumped Hydro Energy Utilization & Storage (ALPHEUS) (ID: 883553) (2020-2024)
  5. ERC: AMICAS: an Adaptive Multi-drug Infusion Control system for general Anesthesia in major Surgery (2022-2026)
  6. EU-INTERREG - Circular Maintenance
  7. EU-EFRO - Machines & Manufacturing
  8. IWT-STW (VLAIO-STW) - High Efficiency, High Speed Electric Drives (IWT.15.0457)

Internally funded projects

Industrial Research Fund (IOF)

  1. A demonstrator for AI tools (2022)

  2. Non-Linear Rotational Damper (F2021/IOF-StarTT/102) (2022)
  3. Remote in-line Vision system for monitoring of the Damage Progression (ReViDaP-2.0) in high power wind turbine gearboxes (F2020/IOF-StarTT/061) (2021)
  4. Large-scale, multi-axial mechanical testing of components and structures for the energy transition, make industry and civil infrastructure (F2021/IOF-Equip/012) (2021)
  5. Ultra-high Pressure Rheometry for Thermomechanical Characterization of Liquid Lubricants (F2021/IOF-ConcepTT/045) (2021)
  6. Smart Motion System - bridging data and electromechanic engineering (leverage project) (2021-2026) 
  7. Electric Machine with Integrated Magnetic Spring (EMMS) (2020)

Basic Research Fund (BOF)

  1. SubmersiblePump: power dense and efficient electric drive system for submersible pumping applications (2022)
  2. Molecular Dynamics Modelling of Lubricants at Ultra-High Pressures with Force Fields derived Ab Initio (2022)
  3. Fundamental research on two-phase expansion in thermal machines (2020)
  4. Personalised treatment of lung cancer patients with the support of breathing impedance models (01/12/2019)
  5. Detection and Mitigation of Low Probability Changes in Electromechanical Actuators by using Probabilistic Graphs (PhD Jordi Van Damme)
  6. Multiscale Modelling of Thin Film Lubrication of Complex Fluida with an Integrated Atomic-Continuous Simulation Technique
  7. Controlled Supply for Electric Machines with Multiple Rotors
  8. Design of Low-Frequent Meta-Material Technology for the Transfer of Electric Power to Forces and Torques
  9. Matrixconvertor for “multiphase” Electric Drives with High Reliability
  10. Multi-modular Universal Tribo-Tester for Testing the Tribo-Corrosion, Wear and Life Time of Materials
  11. Simulation of the Dynamic Behaviour of Wires in an Air Weaving loom
  12. Minimal Information Model Based Multiple Optimisation of Predictive Control for Multi Variable Dynamic Systems (MIMOPREC)
  13. Computational and Experimental Study of Advanced Hybrid Modelling and Control Techniques for the Evaluation of Power Flows in Vehicle Electrification  (PhD Arne De Keyser)
  14. Improving the Efficiency and Safety of Flow based Machines
  15. Increasing the Energy Yield of Renewable Energy Systems to Anticipate Variations on the Energy Source