PhD defenses

  • Cultivating a positive living and working climate in residential youth care: a pedagogical perspective

    Oct 07
    Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
    Doctoral candidate
    Delphine Levrouw
    Academic degree
    Doctor in de pedagogische wetenschappen
    Administratief promotor: prof. dr. Stijn Vandevelde, vakgroep Orthopedagogiek (PP10) - promotor: prof. dr. Rudi Roose, vakgroep Sociaal Werk en Sociale Pedagogiek (PP04)
  • Study orientation in higher education: the Ghent University SIMON project

    Oct 10
    Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
    Doctoral candidate
    Mona Bassleer
    Academic degree
    Doctor in de psychologie
    Administratief promotor: Prof. dr. Nicolas Dirix, vakgroep Experimentele Psychologie (PP02) - Promotoren: Prof. dr. Wouter Duyck, vakgroep Experimentele Psychologie (PP02) en Prof. dr. Bart Wille, vakgroep Ontwikkelings-, Persoonlijkheids- en Sociale Psychologie (PP07)
  • Dynamics of social influence: effects of social variables on advice taking and instruction following

    Oct 11
    Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
    Doctoral candidate
    Mathias Van der Biest
    Academic degree
    Doctor in de psychologie
    Administratief promotor: prof. dr. Marcel Brass, vakgroep Experimentele Psychologie (PP02) - promotor: prof. dr. Frederick Verbruggen (PP02, WE11)
  • Goal adjustment and acceptance in people with an acquired brain injury

    Oct 16
    Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
    Doctoral candidate
    Gunther Van Bost
    Academic degree
    Doctor in de psychologie
    Administratief promotor: Prof. dr. Geert Crombez, vakgroep Experimenteel-Klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie (PP05) - Promotor: Prof. dr. Stefaan Van Damme, vakgroep Experimenteel-Klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie (PP05)
  • Waves of emotions: Emotional mechanisms linking coastal landscapes to well-being

    Nov 06
    Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
    Doctoral candidate
    Marine Severin
    Academic degree
    Doctor in de psychologie
    Administratief promotor: Prof. dr. Ann Buysse, Vakgroep Experimenteel-Klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie - Promotoren: Prof. dr. Filip Raes, KU Leuven en Dr. Ir. Gert Everaert (Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee)
  • Scoring and cultural issues in the assessment of emotional intelligence from the ability perspective

    Nov 13
    Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
    Doctoral candidate
    Eva Sekwena
    Academic degree
    Doctor in de psychologie
    Administratief promotor: Prof. dr. Johnny Fontaine, vakgroep Werk, Organisatie en Samenleving (PP09) - Promotor: Prof. dr. Cara Jonker, North West University, South Africa