Ishaya Anthony

Over a decade, I have been active in acquiring more skills and knowledge in both academic, community and priestly activities. In 2019 I joined the Culture and Education Department on a PhD research collaboration between Ghent University and the Desmond Tutu Centre for Religion and Social Justice, University of the Western Cape South Africa.

I graduated from Stellenbosch University with a Master’s degree in practical theology. My final thesis was titled "Prophetic preaching in a context of Corruption in Nigeria". The dissertation combined my priestly, academic and personal interests in religion and social contemporary issues to argued for nation building and human flourishing through prophetic criticism, prophetic envisioning, prophetic policy-making and prophetic exemplary lifestyle. In my PhD-research "Public Pedagogy and socio-Political economy of religious media: A qualitative study of the Advent Cable Network Nigeria (ACNN). I will explore the relationship between the socio-political economy and the public pedagogical functions of the ACNN in order to understand the role and contributions of religious media in literacy development. My focus will on media artefacts as educational resource. My focus will on media artefacts as educational resource.




Ishaya Anthony

De Krook (4th Floor) 
M. Makebaplein 1, B-9000 Ghent