Category 1: Doctorate (Phd)


Registration as a guest student if you are enrolled in a PhD / doctoral program at a university of the Flemish or French community and you want to follow a course unit at UGent.

Required approvals

  • From the UGent professor.
  • From your own supervisor in your home institution.
  • From your institution, to be obtained in the manner specified by your university. (Doctoral students affiliated with the VUB do not need this approval).
    In most institutions, you will need to ask the student administration for this.

Documents to be completed

  • Form Admission to register as a visiting student from a Belgian University for a regular course unit organised by a Faculty or a Doctoral School at Ghent University as part of the doctoral training programme (per course unit you want to take up).

How to register

Follow this roadmap

After registration

The day after registration you will receive your UGent login for your UGent account by email. Some time later you will receive your student card by mail.

Afterwards, contact the:

You are already registered, but want to take courses in the 2nd semester

  1. Complete again the Form 'Admission to register as a visiting student from a Belgian University for a regular course unit organised by a Faculty or the Doctoral School at Ghent University as part of the doctoral training programme' for the additional courses units.
  2. Submit it to the FSA of the faculty involved or Doctoral School.

Re-registering as a guest student

Send the documents listed under 'Required approvals', 'Documents to be completed' and a certificate of enrolment from your primary institution to
