Elias Degruyter

OfficeElias Degruyter

Campus UFO, third flour, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 35, 9000 Ghent (Belgium)




Elias Degruyter obtained a master’s degree in history (Ghent University, 2018), holds a European master in global studies (University of Vienna, 2021), and studied at the universities of Hannover (2016-17) and Addis Ababa (Institute for Peace and Security Studies, 2019-20). His interests center around the role of culture and discourse in social and political change. Elias has worked as a journalist/editor for various news and current affairs programs at the Flemish public broadcaster VRT. His PhD research is embedded in the history and communication studies departments of Ghent University. Elias represents Ghent University in the editorial board of the Association belge d’Histoire contemporaine (BVNG-ABHC) and is affiliated with the Royal Library of Belgium (KBR).