End of your stay

Transcript of records

After the examination period, you can:

  • Consult your grades in Oasis and ask feedback if necessary.
  • Download/print your Transcript of Records (TOR) from Oasis. This transcript shows all registered courses and the results of the exams. 

RIO will send a signed and stamped digital copy of your Transcript of Records to your UGent e-mailbox at the end of the semester (*). You are responsible for delivering this document to the relevant persons at your home university. If your home university wants us to e-mail the Transcript of Records directly to them as well or if you need the original document, please contact our office.

(*) If you also want us to send you your Transcript of Records after the resit examination period, please contact us. 

Want to know more about the grading system at UGent? Check this website.

Certificate of stay

You can download your Certificate of registration as a guest student/exchange student from Oasis. If you want us to sign a Certificate of stay document provided by your home university, please contact our office with the filled-out certificate (max. 4 days before your actual departure date at the earliest).


Schedules and registration

  • If you fail an examination, you have the possibility to participate in a re-examination. Do note, however, that an additional registration is required. You are not automatically registered for a re-examination during the resit examination period. Please register for each resit exam in which you will participate via oasis.ugent.be - from the day after the public announcement of the exam results and before 7 August 2025. 
  • Re-examinations are organized between the middle of August and the middle of September, regardless of when the class was taught. Make sure to be in Ghent during the resit examination period in case of re-examinations. 
  • There is one fixed resit examination moment for each exam. Your personal re-examination schedule can be found in Oasis ("My Calendar", left column) from July onwardsYou are supposed to take the exams as scheduled in the exam schedule.
  • It is not possible to participate in re-examinations for courses you succeeded during the first examination session.
  • If you do not attend the re-examination after a failure in the first examination session, the transcript of records of the resit examination period will not repeat the grades of the first examination session but will mention "absent".

Study guidance

Grading system & feedback

  • The result of resit examinations are published in September.
  • The Flemish academic grading system is based on a mark between 0 and 20. A mark less than 10 means ‘fail’ (= ECTS grades F and FX). More info about the grading system at UGent
  • If you are a Bachelor student and included Master courses in your curriculum, the assessment of your Master courses will be done on Master level., not on Bachelor level. No different assessment level will be applied. 
  • Want to receive feedback on your exams? Check the Ufora page of the course for feedback moments or contact the lecturer (after the examination period).
  • If you didn’t perform well (several failures) we might report on your academic performances to your home university.

Examination Codes


  • What if you are ill or have an overlap during the resit examination period? How do you register your absence? When will the exam results be announced? You can find the answers on the faculty website about exams and feedback.
  • Questions about your exam schedule? Contact fsa.psw@ugent.be.
  • What about my UGent account and student card? Your UGent account and student card are valid until the end of the resit examination period so you don't need to officially prolong your stay for re-examinations, except if you need UGent housing for the re-examination period.

Leaving Ghent University

Not sure what to pay attention to when leaving Ghent? Our colleagues of the International Support Team made a useful overview.

Alumni network

After your exchange you become a Ghent University Alumnus. Throughout your entire life, Ghent University wants to feed your mind so you dare to think.