Maria Lorenzo
Maria Pilar Lorenzo joined the CHEGG team as PhD candidate in November 2020. In her doctoral research, she seeks to flash out the interplay of the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Philippine higher education by probing into the higher education policies and practices situated at regional (ASEAN), national and institutional levels.
She holds an MSc degree in International Politics (KU Leuven, 2020, magna cum laude), an Advanced MSc degree in Cultural Anthropology and Development Studies (KU Leuven, 2019, cum laude), and a Master’s degree in Public Administration (University of the Philippines, 2018, summa cum laude).
Prior to her graduate studies, she spent six years managing technical-vocational schools in the Philippines. Recently, she formed part of a research team that provided strategic advice to the Philippine education sector with regard to the ongoing Philippine National Rightsizing Program, a priority bill of the incumbent administration. She is also a professional licensed teacher and a certified trainer through the Asian Development Bank’s JobStart Life Skills Trainer’s Program. In May 2020, the, an initiative of the YSEALI Women’s Leadership Academy Alumni Network, selected her as one of the 2020 cohort of women leaders in Southeast Asia.
Research interests
- Regionalisation processes in higher education
- National and supra-national higher education policies and practices
- Governance and public sector innovations
- Social (in)equality