Dealing with challenges, setbacks and confidence


Career management

Target audience

All PhD candidates, no previous knowledge required.


Through regularly practicing the learning, participants will be able to develop confidence, resilience and life balance; to carry out their research and deal with setbacks, challenge and stress. The workshop is confidential, so participants work safely on real situations and dedicate time to learning and practicing effectively.


By the end of the course, you will have addressed the following objectives:

  1. How to work through periods of nerves and stress and how to deal with failure
    • The nature of your experience of nerves, stress, confidence and assertiveness
    • How the perception of risk provokes unhelpful responses and consequences
    • How to re-balance perception and behaviour to more helpful responses
  2. Self-motivation
    • How to convert success and failure into genuine learning opportunities
    • Solution-focused approaches to motivate yourself and resolve challenging situations
    • Proven tools that support achievement of goals and bring purpose to activities
  3. Dealing with setbacks and challenges
    • Mindfulness and practices to separate unconscious reaction from deliberate response
    • Ways to work and connect with others that support confidence and assertiveness
    • How to maintain a flexible mindset capable of responding creatively to setbacks
  4. Resilience and work-life balance
    • A fundamental model for resilience
    • A personalised ‘prescription’ for developing resilience in everyday life
    • To use tools for assessing work-life balance and re-adjusting where required

Time schedule & Venue

Course code


Time Venue

21, 23, 24 and 25 October 2024

09:30-12:30 Online

10, 11, 12 and 13 December 2024 

09:30-12:30 Online

Registration procedure

  • Follow this link to subscribe to the registration or waiting list.
  • Your registration will be confirmed by separate e-mail.
  • Cancellation of your registration can only be performed by sending an email to

Registration fee

Free of charge for members of the Doctoral School. The no show policy applies.


Dr Jamie McDonald (

Training method

This event is a highly experiential, hands-on workshop that requires your interaction and active reflection on the material covered. We won't be delivering a lecture or telling you 'the answers' - rather we'll be providing some tools and an environment where you can find your own. We ask you to learn by practicing with the tools and methods we cover, and to apply them to real situations, so what you learn is immediately applicable, personal and memorable. Please come along ready to contribute and participate fully.

Number of participants

Maximum 18



Evaluation methods and criteria (doctoral training programme)

100% attendance and active participation.

After successful participation, the Doctoral School will add this course to your curriculum of the Doctoral Training Programme in Oasis. Please note that this takes up to one to two months after completion of the course.