Prof. Guido Matton - Plastic Surgery Fellowship Fund
Want to make a donation to the Prof. Guido Matton Fund?
Your donation to the Prof. Guido Matton Fund goes towards training promising new plastic surgeons. They can gain valuable practical experience thanks to an annual fellowship lasting six months.
We gratefully welcome donations to the Prof. Guido Matton Fund via bank transfer to account number: BE26 3900 9658 0329, with the message “Guido Matton Fund”. Your gift is tax deductible starting from €40 per year.
More information about the fund?
Background information
The Prof. Guido Matton Fund was set up by Mrs. Maria Matton and Prof. Phillip Blondeel, in memory of Prof. Guido Matton. It is a tribute to the many great contributions made by Prof. Matton to the field of reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery during his busy career.
The aim the of the Fund is to provide financial support to award one six-month fellowship every year to a promising young plastic surgeon from Belgium, immediately following their graduation. The fellowship takes place in the Department of Plastic Surgery of the Ghent University Hospital, originally established by Prof. Guido Matton.
During the fellowship, the selected candidate gets the chance to gain experience in the regeneration and reconstruction of human tissue, and in techniques for plastic and reconstructive surgery that they have not encountered previously, or in which they want to gain more experience. The selected candidate will participate in the daily surgical activity within the Department of Plastic Surgery.
Want to find out more about the research?
- Prof. Phillip Blondeel
- Department of Human Structure and Repair
- Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Practical information & fellowship applications
What else can I do?
- Support a fund through your legacy
- Organise a fundraiser or event to support the fund
- Want to set up your own fund?
Contact us
Do you have questions about this or any of the other Ghent University funds? Please get in touch and we will be happy to assist you.
University Fund of Ghent University
Wim Van der Planken