Your donation to a Ghent University Fund can really make a difference!
Your gift will go wherever there is greatest need within the topic of the fund. That can be a specific research topic, but a fund may also have options such as teaching- or culture-related topics.
In general, a fund is not restricted to one specific researcher, research group, department or faculty. A fund thus offers the option to support one theme within the university in a broader, multidisciplinary way.
I would like to organise a fundraiser
Your gift is tax deductible starting from €40 per year.
Spotlight on
The Marleen Temmerman Fund
Professor Marleen Temmerman is best known as a gynaecologist who campaigned throughout the world for the health and rights of women and children. She is also widely known as a researcher, author and policy maker.
The Parkinson's Research Fund
In most cases, the cause of Parkinson’s disease is unknown. In rare cases, the disease is caused by a genetic anomaly. Most patients display their first symptoms between the ages of 50 and 70. In Belgium, between 30,000 and 35,000 people are estimated to suffer from Parkinson’s disease.
The CRIG Fund
One in three men, and one in four women in Belgium will be diagnosed with cancer before their 75th birthday. Even though there have been important advances in recent decades, we still don’t completely understand the mechanisms that can cause a cancer, and make it develop.
The Bees Fund
The consequences of the decline of bees are huge. Bees are an important link in the pollination of plants, including many agricultural crops. The loss of bees could eventually lead to food shortages and ecological imbalances. High time, therefore, to shift up a gear and develop new methods and solutions that will enable us to turn the tide.
Overview of all funds
We are happy to provide an overview of all existing funds:
- 4Brain Fund
- Alan Katritzky Fund
- Fund for Alzheimer’s and Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Arne Lannoy, aka Zorro Fund
- Bees Fund
- Breast Engineering Fund
- Peritoneal Cancer Fund
- CRIG (Cancer Research Institute Ghent) Fund
- Diabetes research Fund
- Gabriëlle De Waele Fund
- Gianni Eggermont - Pediatric Urology Fund
- GUM Fund
- Students’ study fund
- Mama Magda Aquaculture Fund
- Marleen Temmerman Fund
- Medical Skills Centre - Dr. Guy De Cloedt Fund
- Nico Gunzburg Fund
- Parkinson’s research Fund
- Prof. Guido Matton – Plastic Surgery Fellowship Fund
- Scleroderma & Systemic Sclerosis Fund
- SuperNils Fund
- Ghent Fund for History and Archaeology
- Walter Fiers Fund
Information for staff members
Do you have questions about the procedure for setting up a fund, about who is eligible to do so, or about the minimum starting capital that is needed?
- Find out more here about setting up a fund at Ghent University
Contact us
Are you interested in establishing a fund yourself at Ghent University? Contact the University Fund and we will gladly discuss the different options with you.
University Fund of Ghent University
Wim Van der Planken