Research topics

Research in the COCOON group is directed at developing and understanding thin film materials within a context of applications relevant to society.

We develop thin films and nanomaterials and systematically study their properties governed by their composition, structure, and surface and interface nature. As well as plentiful ex-situ possibilities, we have a strong focus towards in-situ characterization techniques, something that allows us to not only understand a film, but also the whole process that yielded it.  Understanding these fundamental aspects provides the necessary foundation for optimizing deposition processes and developing materials with an improved functionality for the targeted applications in nano electronics, batteries, electrocatalysis, etc.

Our research can be grouped in 3 main topics:

  • Research methods for thin film deposition: atomic layer deposition, combinatorial materials screening, coating of particles
  • Research methods and facilities for thin film characterization: in situ characterization, integrated glovebox and UHV line, synchrotron experiments
  • Applications based on thin films: nano electronics, batteries, electrocatalysis, etc.

Research topics