Food Structure and Function Research Group
Introduction and mission
The Food Structure and Function Research Group (previously known as Laboratory of Food Technology and Engineering) was founded almost 25 years ago by Prof. Koen Dewettinck. Since 2018, Prof. Filip Van Bockstaele joined the research group as 50% professor in the field of ‘microstructure-based (food) product development’ and Director of the UGent Vandemoortele Centre ‘Lipid Science and Technology’. The main focus of the research group is structuring, functionality engineering and multiscale analysis of complex food products. The mission of the research group is to design foods on a nano-, micro-, and mesoscale in order to answer the consumer demand for new products that are tasty, satisfying, healthful, convenient, affordable and sustainable.
Contact, projects and publications
The latest overview on projects and publications can be found on the UGent Research Explorer per Principal Investigator:
Latests news via the FSF LinkedIn page.
Vandemoortele Centre ‘Lipid Science and Technology’
Spin-off company Cacaolab
The research group has acquired an extensive toolbox of advanced analytical equipment for food structures characterisation at different length scales and sensory profiling (see table for non-exhaustive list). The research group is consortium leader of two medium scale research infrastructures acquired by FWO Hercules funding, more precisely a cryo-scanning electron microscope (cryo-SEM) and an x-ray scattering device (XRS). Furthermore, the research group is equipped with a small-scale processing units for margarines and shortenings, cheese and yogurt and cocoa, and has several trained panels for sensory analysis of cocoa liquor and chocolate, fat suspensions and chocolate fat bloom.
For more information regarding infrastructure, please contact our chief lab technician: Benny Lewille -
Cryo-SEM [JEOL JSM-7100F equipped with the cryogenic transfer system Quorum PP3000T (grant number FWO Hercules AUGE-09-029)] |
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Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) provides a topographic view of the surface of a sample by irradiating the surface with a fine electron beam. The SEM is equipped with a cryo-stage for sample preparation which allows to fracture a sample and sublime the free water, thus exposing the internal microstructure of high moisture products. Structures in the range of 100 nm up to several µm can be visualized. Contact: Davy Van de Walle - |
XRS [Xenocs Xeuss 3.0 Compact Q-Xoom, Xenocs with an Eiger 2 R 1M detector (grant number FWO Hercules AUGE-17-029)] |
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X-ray scattering (XRS) provides information on the structural characteristics of both ordered and disordered structures in the nano- and mesoscale about sizes and shapes of proteins, fats, food matrices, nanomaterials, fibers, plastics, etc. The X-ray has WAXS, SAXS, GiSAXS and USAXS capabilities. It is provided with several sample holders allowing the analysis of a wide range of materials in solid or liquid state, as well as viscous materials or films. The analysis can be performed at temperatures from -20°C to 150°C. Contact: Fien De Witte - |
DSC [TA Instruments | Waters Discovery DSC 2500 (UGent BOF grant BOF/BAS/2022/101 )] | ![]() |
Differential scanning calorimetry measures phase behavior in foods like melting and crystallization, glass transitions and protein denaturation. |
TD-NMR [Spintrack (UGent BOF grant BOF20/BAS/078)] | ![]() |
The time-domain nuclear magnetic resonance (TD-NMR) allows us to determine Solid Fat Content (SFC) in fats, oils and margarines. |
Texture analyzer [Instron] | ![]() |
The texture analyser is designed to quantify textural properties of foods under extension or compression and measures forces up to 500 N and is equipped with a range of probes to perform different types of texture analysis like puncture tests, compression tests, 3-point bend tests, texture profile analysis (TPA), etc. |
Leica DM2500 LED microscope | ![]() |
The light microscope can be used in normal light transmission mode, phase contrast mode or in polarization mode and is equipped with a Linkam stage for temperature control. |
Rheometers [Anton Paar MCR 302 / TA AR2000ex / TA HR10] | ![]() |
The research group has three temperature-controlled rheometers equipped with several geometries like concentric cylinders, plate-plate, cone-plate and starch pasting cell. A tribocel is used for tribological measurements. |
GC-MS [Agilent] | ![]() |
Head Space – Solid Phase Microextraction – Gas chromatography – Mass Spectroscopy (HS-SPME-GC-MS) allows the profiling of the volatile components released in the head space above a sample in a vial and adsorbed on a fibre. Separation of the volatiles is done by GC, while identification is done by Kovats retention indices and MS. Semi-quantification of the aroma profile is possible with usage of internal standard(s). |
E-nose [Alpha M.O.S. (UGent BOF Grant BOF15/DOC/028)] |
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Electronic nose is dedicated to the fingerprinting of aroma compounds and chemical molecules composing the smell of a product. The technology relies on gas chromatography and FID technology to profile compounds from the headspace. The compounds are separated in two 10 m GC columns with different polarity. The samples typically analyzed are in liquid or solid state, as well as viscous materials. |
The Food Structure & Function research group is actively involved in teaching courses across three Master programmes at Ghent University:
- Master of Science in Bioscience Engineering: Food Science and Nutrition
- Master of Science in Food Technology
- Master of Science in de Biowetenschappen: Voedingsindustrie
Courses we offer:
Topic: Food Structure and Function
- Formulation and Structuring of Foods
- Reologie en Sensorische Analyse
- Technologie en Functionaliteit van Levensmiddelencomponenten
- Sensory Analysis
Topic: Food Technology
- Food Technology
- Food Processing
Topic: Product-Specific Courses
- Milk and Dairy Technology
- Technologie van Dierlijke Producten
- Technology of Plant-Based Foods
For more information regarding education, please contact Kim Moens -