Cavity Ring Down Laser Spectroscopy (CRDS)

Water isotope analyses via Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy (CRDS): practical information and prices

ISOFYS provides 18O and D isotope analysis of water using a Cavety Ring Down Spectroscopy (CRDS). We analyse 18O and/or D from a single sample.

Equipment details

Water is analysed using a Picarro L-2201i equipped with a vaporizer and MPM module.
The samples are measured relative to international standards VSMOW2, GISP and SLAP2.
The final delta unit is expressed relative to international standards VSMOW2 (Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water) for 18O and D.


Quotations can be given on request:
See below for extra fees.

All prices are in EURO and exclude VAT (21%) and Ghent University overhead (17%)

CRDS price per sample







Samples are queued for each analysis enriched (<10 Atom%).

Sample preparation and shipping 

The standard volume for water samples is 1-1.4 mL in a 2 mL GC vial. Contact us about low volume samples (<500µL). Use vials with a write-on patch or use clear tape and permanent marker to label vials. Do not wrap vials with opaque marking tape – this makes it difficult to view liquid level. Samples should be kept refrigerated and in the dark for long-term storage. Use minimal headspace for shipping and storing water samples.

Samples should be filtered on a 0.45µm filter. If samples arrive turbid or contain precipitate we ask a filtering fee (see pricing).

Submit samples in standard auto-sampler short thread vials  (volume: 1.5 mL, 12 mm O.D. x 32 mm length) wide mouth (La-Pha-Pack, 11 09 519 or 11-09-520) with screw caps (La-Pha-Pack, 09 15 0838). Samples not submitted in auto-sampler vials will be charged a transfer fee (see Pricing). For low-volume samples (<250 µL), use the appropriate vials (infochroma, 8004-HP-H/iV2µ or 8004-HP-D/iV2µ).

CO2 isotope analyses via Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy (CRDS)

Practical information and prices will follow later.