Campus Coupure Gent
- BioCo - Biosystems Control
- Ecochem - Analytical Chemistry and Applied Ecochemistry
- EnVOC - Environmental Organic Chemistry and Technology
- ISOFYS - Isotope Bioscience Laboratory
- PaInT - Particle and Interfacial Technology
- RE-SOURCE Lab - Lab for Bioresource Recovery
- STEN - Sustainable Systems Engineering
- SynBioC - Synthesis, Bioresources and Bioorganic Chemistry
- TCCB - Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass
Campus Schoonmeersen - Kortrijk - Korea
PhD defenses
Feb 18
Biostimulant and Biopesticide Potential of Celery Waste: A Chemical Exploration.
Motti, Pierfrancesco
Mar 13
Trace analysis of taste and odour compounds in drinking water: occurrence and formation in Flemish drinking water distribution networks.
Mol, Zoë
Mar 14
Advancing the integration of raw materials criticality into life cycle sustainability assessment of products.
Corrêa Hackenhaar, Isadora