Buildings with a social memory: conservation, reuse and reconversion

The centenary of Feestlokaal Vooruit in Ghent provided a perfect occasion to explore possible strategies of conservation, reuse and reconversion of similar, large-scale ‘Maisons du Peuple’, built by and for the people.

Is it a nuisance having to take the social memory into account, or is it a valuable opportunity? Feestlokaal Vooruit has been converted into an arts centre, and this process has been positively affected both by its history and its former social and cultural purposes. But is the example of Feestlokaal Vooruit a unique example? What does it mean today to repurpose buildings that were designed to bring people together? 

To examine these questions, the Architecture & Urban Planning Department organised an international workshop i.c.w. ARCHIPEL, Amsab-ISG & the History and Theatre Departments on 18/10/2013. 

This workshop consisted of lectures of international experts from various fields: an architect, a historian, a museum director, a heritage expert, etc.

Project Info

Research group: Theory and History of Architecture
Date: 18-10-2013
Researchers: Hannes Pieters en Fredie Floré