
On a regular basis (online) information sessions and workshops are organized to support students and researchers of our faculty. Do you have a suggestion or interest in a particular topic? Don't hesitate to contact us at

Also take a look at:
→ the agenda (re)search tips with a various offer of info sessions regarding research, information management and scientific communication
→ the Open ScienceRDM trainings organised by the Open Science Team of Ghent University
→ the Specialist Courses Engineering and Transferable Skills Seminars @ Doctoral Schools UGent

Program Fall 2023

  • DMP intro training 
    When: October 19th (10:00-11:00) 
    Where: Auditorium Grondmechanica, Technologiepark 64, Campus Ardoyen, Zwijnaarde
    Introductory session on Data Management Plans (DMP) for new researchers: what is a DMP, when do I need to write a DMP, how to address the DMP questions. 
  • Open Access at Ghent University
    When: October 24th (12:00-13:00) 
    Where: Online
    Discover the basics of implementing open access to your publications, taking into account copyright considerations and the open access criteria of Ghent University's policy on scholarly publishing. Learn about the function of Biblio in open access and about the use of different versions of your publication.
  • RDM workspace training 
    When: October 27th (11:45-12:45)
    Auditorium A0, S9 Campus Sterre
    How to use SharePoint for research data management using the RDM workspace template.
  • Doctoral Schools Transferable Skills course on Resesarch Data Management 
    When: November 13th (09:00-13:00) and November 14th (09:00-13:00) 
    Where: UGAIN room (Magnel Building), Campus Ardoyen, Zwijnaarde
    Course for doctoral students to develop their knowledge and practical skills in handling and managing the research data they collect.
  • Copyright for the academic author
    When: November 14th (12:00-13:00) 
    Where: Online
    Finding your way in the copyright and licensing landscape can be daunting and difficult. What is copyright? When are you a copyright holder? And what can you do with copyright? Authors may not know exactly what the possibilities are in handling their copyright and are insecure about publisher's copyright requirements. On the other hand, you are also a user of other people's work. You may want to use an image in your work or refer to other people's work. What are you allowed to do and for which use do you need to ask for permission? This session will give you a broad overview of copyright in the context of research.
  • DataCafe  “Episode IV: A New Hope for Data Sharing?” 
    When: November 21st (16:30-19:00) 
    Where: Belvedere, Boekentoren
    The DataCafé is an informal event for researchers from all disciplines and career stages and other interested staff. It is organized by Ghent University Library's data stewards. The event aims to engage members of the UGent research community with the various aspects of Research Data Management (RDM). In this episode of the DataCafé, we are focusing on the practice of sharing research data in online repositories. We have 3 speakers who have experience with this topic, and they will talk on their motives of sharing the data, how they found a suitable repository, the bigger potential of data sharing, the challenges they encountered, etc. 
    Speakers of this edition: 
    - Andrée De Cock - Department of Animal Science and Aquatic Ecology (Bioscience Engineering)
    - Fien De Latte - Department of Linguistics (Arts & Philosophy)
    - Femke Batsleer - Department of Biology (Sciences)  
  • Research data management in qualitative research 
    When: November 23rd (10:00-11:30)
    Where: Auditorium Grondmechanica, Campus Ardoyen, Zwijnaarde
    Info session on what RDM can mean when you are working with research materials such as literature, photographs, video and audio, interviews transcripts, focus groups, observation notes …
  • EXTRA SESSION - Doctoral Schools Transferable Skills course on Resesarch Data Management 
    When: December 7th (09:00-13:00) and December 8th (09:00-13:00)
    Where: Leslokaal 1.1, Campus Ledeganck
    Course for doctoral students to develop their knowledge and practical skills in handling and managing the research data they collect

Program Spring 2023

  • What can HPC-UGENT mean to my research?, by Ewald Pauwels (High Performance Computing Infrastructure, UGent)
    When: Thursday 2 February 2023, 10h00-12h00
    Where: Multimedia room, S9, Campus Sterre

    Scientific computing in many forms has become pervasive in all fields of research. Computing tasks now range from computational design, simulations, visualization, Artificial Intelligence, etc. up to full throttle high-performance computing. All these tasks are ideally suited to run on the supercomputing infrastructure of Ghent University, HPC-UGent ( In fact, any computational analysis that you now run on your laptop, should probably better run on the HPC-UGent infrastructure. 

    In this info session, Ewald Pauwels will introduce the HPC-UGent supercomputing infrastructure. He will highlight its features and functionalities, and how you can easily use HPC-UGent for your research.

  • How to use the HPC-UGent services in your courses, by Ewald Pauwels (High Performance Computing Infrastructure, UGent)
    For whom: teachers in Master courses Engineering
    When: Thursday 2 June 2023, 10h00 - 12h00
    Where: Multimedia room, S9, Campus Sterre

    Does your course or practical session involve letting students work with a computer?

    •  Do you ask your students to program in e.g. R, Python, or another programming language?

    •  Do you need the Linux bash command line interface for your hands-on session?

    •  Do students regularly have to run compute-heavy scientific software, using e.g. CPU or GPU resources?

    •  Are you teaching students how to use a specific scientific software package, with or without a graphical user interface?

    •  Do you rely on a dedicated server or workstation on which you let your students work?

    If any of the above sounds familiar, then this infosession could be of interest to you. 

    HPC-UGent provides centralised scientific computing services, training, and support for researchers and students. Scalable IT infrastructure (CPU and GPU resources) is readily available and can be used free of charge. 

    Recent developments have made it easy to interact with the HPC infrastructure, using a web portal. This portal provides a point-and-click interface to the HPC within a standard internet browser like Firefox, Chrome, etc. so no local helper applications are required on your laptop. A vast array of scientific software packages is preinstalled on the system. The web portal also allows you to run the GUI of such a package, all within an internet browser. Additionally, a specialized interactive/debug cluster is available, which guarantees that your jobs start instantly (with limited resources). No more waiting in the queue! 

    The HPC-UGent setup can be used in many teaching and hands-on assignments, often replacing dedicated local infrastructure, or alleviating the burden of letting students install a host of software on their own laptop. In the Q&A session, we would love to hear on how you could use the HPC-UGent infrastructure, or what is holding you back.

  • Research Data Management (RDM) Program Spring 2023

Program Fall 2022

  • DMP Intro Training, by Data Steward Team UGent
    When: Thursday 29 September 2022, 14h00

  • RDM Series on finding, reusing, documenting and sharing data, by Data Steward Team UGent
    Where: Room 2 Magnel, Campus Ardoyen

    • Session 1: Setting the scene - Challenges with data reuse
      When: Thursday 6 October 2022, 10h00
    • Session 2: Data repositories to the rescue
      When: Thursday 13 October 2022, 10h00
    • Session 3: Data understood - how to document data
      When: Thursday 20 October 2022, 10h00
    • Session 4: Preventing a reproducibility crisis
      When: Thursday 27 October 2022, 10h00
  • Data Privacy infosessie, by Hanne Elsen (Expert data protection en information safety, UGent) 
    When: Tuesday 22 November 2022, 10h00

Program Spring 2022

  • Techniques for effective research on Xplore, by Ed Wong (IEEE)
    When: Tuesday 22 February 2022, 14h00
  • How to get published with IEEE, by Ed Wong (IEEE)
    When: Thursday 24 February 2022, 14h00
  • RDM & Data Storage, by RDM team UGent
    When: Thursday 31 March 2022, 10h00
  • Intro to Data Management Plans (DMPs), by Stefanie De Bodt (Data steward (Bioscience) Engineering, UGent)
    When: Wednesday 27 April 2022, 10h00

Program Fall 2021

  • Data Storage@UGent, by Ewald Pauwels (High Performance Computing Infrastructure, UGent)
    When: Friday 26 November 2021, 9h30
    Presentation and recording
  • Data Management Plans and RDM best practices, by Stefanie De Bodt (Data steward (Bioscience) Engineering, UGent)
    When: Thursday 9 December 2021, 10h00
    Presentation and recording

Program Spring 2021

  • How to write a Data Management Plan, by Stefanie De Bodt (Data steward (Bioscience) Engineering, UGent)
    When: Thursday 25 February 2021, 10h00
    Presentation and recording 
  • Introduction to GDPR, by Hanne Elsen (Expert data protection en information safety, UGent)
    When: Thursday 22 April 2021, 14h00
    Presentation and recording 
  • Biblio Tips & Tricks, by Anniek Toye (Academic Bibliography en Bibliometrics, UGent)
    When: Thursday 20 May 2021, 14h00
    Presentation and recording