Paid domestic or foreign internship outside of IAESTE which entitles to credits

  1. Look for an internship with possibly already a concrete internship assignment.
  2. Find an academic supervisor who is specialized in the field of the internship. Make agreements about the content of the internship, the follow-up, the internship report, etc. Also find an internship mentor within the company.
  3. Enter all the details of your internship in Plato under “My internship” and submit your application via “Submit request and send to supervisor”.
  4. Your supervisor will then receive an email and can take a look at your application. The supervisor will approve the internship for credits in Plato.
  5. Draw up an employment/labor contract in consultation with the company. After you have completed all the sections, print the contract.
  6. Sign your contract and save the document as pdf. Send the file to the company (internship mentor) for their digital signature (this procedure can also be done on paper if necessary).
  7. Make sure that you and the company have a fully signed copy of the employment/labor contract, and also upload a signed copy of the contract to Plato.
  8. Internships abroad also have to be registered in Oasis (exchange application – no curriculum in exchange). Students without registration in Oasis before the first Monday of the month preceding the month of departure cannot be allowed to spend part of their education abroad (cf. EEC Article 46 §4.). Choose the academic year in which the internship will be included in your curriculum. Then choose “Exchange” under “Curriculum” and fill in all the requested information.
  9. After the internship has completed, contact your supervisor for an evaluation moment to determine whether the internship met everyone's expectations.
  10. If the internship can still count for credits, upload your logbook to Plato no later than 1 week after the internship has ended. You also write an internship report and upload it no later than 2 months after the internship has ended (and no later than June 1).
  11. Add the elective course “Industry internship engineering technology”, “Industry internship engineering science and architecture” or “Research internship” in Oasis to your curriculum of the academic year in which you wish to include the internship at the start of the academic year.
  12. Assess the internship via the evaluation form in Plato.
  13. Both your supervisor and your company internship mentor will automatically receive an email via Plato to evaluate you as an intern and your completed assignment, making use of an evaluation form in Plato.
  14. If desired, a feedback moment will take place between you and your supervisor (and your internship mentor).
All the above applies under the terms of the internship regulations.