Strategy and technology
Our research
We investigate how strategic planning and management can be applied effectively, and which tools can assist the individuals and teams involved in strategic decision-making. Our research ranges from the local level, for example focusing on the leadership and management capabilities needed to think and act more strategically in urban, city and local governance, to strategic choices at the European level, and stimulating transgovernmental cooperation.
Over the latest years new technologies, challenges and innovations have popped up. We also focus on how these impact the public sector, not only when it comes to strategy but also in several other domains: How can technology policy be used to stimulate sustainability? How can more cross-sectoral collaboration and knowledge exchange stimulate innovation and technology in the field of safety and security? How can social responsibilities be embedded in strategic management systems?
The impact of technology, challenges and innovation even goes beyond the digitization of existing processes and services. We study digital transformation in government, and examine how government can become more proactive, data- and user-driven. In particular, we examine how government can act as the orchestrator of a platform, and the cultural, organizational and relational changes that are necessary to realize this.
George, Bert, Richard M Walker, and Joost Monster. 2019. Does Strategic Planning Improve Organizational Performance? A Meta-Analysis. Public Administration Review, 79(6): 810-819. - winner of the Louis Brownlow Award by the American Society for Public Administration.
Wayenberg, E. (2021). Strategic policy planning at the local level : a Flemish performance starring regional government. In T. Bergström, J. Franzke, S. Kuhlmann, & E. Wayenberg (Eds.), The future of local self-government : European trends in autonomy, innovations and central-local relations (pp. 213–227). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Oberthür, S. & Dupont, C. (2021). The European Union’s international climate leadership: towards a grand climate strategy? Journal of European Public Policy,
Panchuk, D. 2019. “Effectiveness of EU Transgovernmental Cooperation in the Neighbourhood: Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Twinning Projects in Ukraine,” Europe-Asia Studies, 71(3), pp. 480-509 (IF: 0.842).
Danneels, L., & Viaene, S. (2015). Simple rules strategy to transform government: An ADR approach. Government Information Quarterly, 32(4), 516-525.
Danneels, L., Viaene, S., & Van den Bergh, J. (2017). Open data platforms: Discussing alternative knowledge epistemologies. Government Information Quarterly, 34(3), 365-378.
Torfs, I., Wayenberg, E., & Danneels, L. (2021). Het gebruik van ICT door de federale overheid, een echte e-volutie? VLAAMS TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR OVERHEIDSMANAGEMENT, 2021(1), 43–62.