Ghent University’s Eureast Platform Short-term Fellowship Programme
The Eureast Platform is one of the six regional platforms of Ghent University. Its ambition is to coordinate, facilitate and stimulate cooperation with Eastern Europe and Eurasia regarding education, research and service to society, as well as to advance knowledge about the above-mentioned regions.
The Eureast Platform hosts visiting fellows from the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Scholars at risk from Belarus and Russia residing in Europe are also welcome to apply.
Awardees will have the chance to spend a research stay of minimum one month and maximum three months at Ghent University in order to collaborate with Ghent University’s scholars and to expand their academic network.
Short-term fellowships
The Eureast Platform short-term fellowships are intended scholars from the aforementioned countries who hold a doctoral degree and are based at a higher education or research institution in those countries. However, this does not apply to scholars at risk from Belarus and Russia.
The Eureast Platform visiting fellowships include a lump sum grant of maximum 2.750 € for the entire stay (of minimum one month). The fellowship is meant to cover one return flight ticket, housing (Please note that the fellowship is intended for one person and does not cover extra costs for housing of family members) and living expenditures (in the form of per diems amounting to a maximum of 500 euros per month). The awardees will be given an office space and access to facilities (such as the library) as a Ghent University visiting scholar.
The Eureast Platform visiting fellowships can be taken up at any time during the year, summer months excluded Awardees are expected to be present at Ghent University during the entire stay, to contribute to its intellectual community and to take part in its academic activities. Visiting scholars are required to give at least one lecture or seminar to fellow researchers and students. For this reason, awardees must have good command of English.
How to apply
Your application should be written in English. The application form includes the following sections:
- Personal information
- A cover letter, in which you indicate the mobility period and the research group that you would like to be affiliated with and in which you motivate how your current and future research will benefit from a research stay at Ghent University.
- A research plan (research objectives, methods and materials, a work plan for the intended visit, possible long-term cooperation plans, bibliography, …).
- A short CV (max 2 pages) in annex to the application form.
- Your signature and the signature of your Ghent University promotor. This implies that you already need to find a Ghent University promotor (a member of the professorial staff) at the application stage. The online research directory can help you in finding a promotor, should you not yet have any connections with Ghent University researchers. Your promotor will have to submit a short motivation for your fellowship application directly to In this motivation, your promotor should explain how your visit at Ghent University will benefit the faculty / department / research group / … you will be involved in.
Each individual can only obtain one fellowship.
Selection criteria and procedures
The following criteria will be taken into account in the selection procedure:
- The candidate’s profile
- The overall quality of the proposal
- The motivation and feasibility of the research plan
- Added value/sustainability
A selection committee with representatives from different faculties will review the applications. Previous years' grantees are ineligible to participate in this call
Ghent University conducts an active policy for diversity and equal opportunities and encourages everybody to apply. The selection committee will strive for a balance in:
- Ghent University faculties involved
- Home institutions of the visiting scholars
- Senior candidates and junior candidates
- Gender
The awardee is expected to submit a short activity report to indicate the output or outcomes of the fellowship at the end of the stay. Also, the Ghent University promoter will have to submit a short evaluation form to indicate the output of the research stay.
Practical matters
The Eureast Platform will assist awardees with practical arrangements such as health insurance, visa invitation and application for housing at the university residences.
Ghent University issues a visitor’s pass to foreign visitors who spend a short stay (= no longer than 90 days) under the supervision of a Ghent University promoter. The visitor’s pass automatically grants access to the Ghent University’s Sports Centre and the student restaurants.
For information on the next call, please follow updates on our website or sign up for our newsletter.
Co-Funding Opportunities
If you are seeking additional financial support for your fellowship, you may explore co-funding options:
1. Ghent University's Faculty Mobility Fund: Each faculty at Ghent University maintains a dedicated Mobility Fund to facilitate both incoming and outgoing mobility initiatives. To learn more about the specific opportunities offered by the relevant faculty, please visit their website or consult your promotor for detailed information.
2. International Mobility Grant for Scientific Stays in Flanders by FWO: The International Mobility Grant is provided by The Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) and is designed to assist foreign researchers affiliated with non-Belgian institutions in their individual mobility endeavors. The application process for this grant is ongoing, but you must submit your application no later than three months before your intended departure date.