Prof. Sven Degroeve


Campus Ardoyen, Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 75, 9052 Ghent

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  • 2019 - present: Professor - Ghent University
  • 2017 - present: Staff Scientist - VIB Ghent
  • 2009 - 2017: Postdoc - VIB Ghent
  • 2004: PhD - VIB Ghent
  • 1999: Master Informatica (Computer Science) - Ghent University

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With over two decades of research in the domain of Artificial Intelligence, he has applied his expertise to diverse realms, including Natural Language Processing, Genomics, and Proteomics. His research endeavors focus on:

  • Creating tools and predictive models for the analysis of proteomics data
  • Elucidating the landscape of protein post-translational modifications by employing deep learning models that simulate molecular behavior across various Proteomics biotechnology platforms.
  • Studying pre-trained protein language models, specifically tailored for the purpose of post-translational modification modeling.
  • Exploration of deep learning models for graph embeddings, with a focus on investigating protein-protein interactions.


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