Science Communication

We like to share our science with a wide audience!

Cancer Research Institute Ghent

 CRIGCancer Research Institute Ghent (CRIG) is a network that gathers over 400 researchers (70+ research groups) from Ghent University , Ghent University Hospital (UZ Gent) and VIB-UGent. Although CRIG’s primary mission is to stimulate multidisciplinary cancer research, interaction and communication with the outside world is also a concrete objective. CRIG aims to communicate breakthroughs in cancer research to the broad audience, amongst others via the organization of specific symposia for a broad target audience, via its website, press releases, newsletters, educational videos and social media.

 Several researchers of our Department collaborated to make short movies in which they explain their research in layman’s terms. Take a look at the CRIG movies

Day of ScienceDag van de Wetenschap

Every year, Day of Science (Dag van de Wetenschap) is organized by the Flemish Government. During this event, you get the chance to look behind the scenes of companies, universities, museums and research institutes.

On this day, the Center for Medical Genetics Ghent, opens its doors for the public! During a guided tour by Prof. Nadine Van Roy, you get to know the state-of-the-art technology used to investigate material of patients and uncover errors that may cause disease. Multiple interactive activities enable young and old to discover the stories that hide in our cells. Everything is explained in simple and understandable language.

Educational offer for schools

 Prof. Karolien De Bosscher organizes workshops (in Dutch) for pupils of secondary schools about the chemistry of life and the biology of molecules. Curious what researchers do in a lab molecular biology and biochemistry? In this workshop, pupils get the opportunity look to cells through a light microscope and isolate DNA out of saliva.

Science on the Road

 Wetenschap op StapScience on the Road (Wetenschap op Stap) is a school project organized by VIB that focuses on pupils of the fifth and sixth year of primary education. With this project, VIB wants to enthuse young people for biosciences by bringing real scientists to the classroom.

Every year, multiple researchers for our Department visit several schools to talk about their research and perform experiments with the pupils.

Science Watcher Hetty Helsmoortel

Hetty Helsmoortel

Dr. Hetty Helsmoortel is not only a former cancer researcher of our Department, she is also a science educator and a real story teller! She keeps track of the recent science news, comments in television and radio programs and the monthly Nerdland podcast of Lieven Scheire, writes columns for newspapers and gives lectures to the larger audience. To bring science even closer to the public, she launched Sound of Science, the first open air science festival in Belgium. In addition, she recently published the book 'De Geknipte Genen' in which she explains in a clear and compelling way the revolutionary CRISPR technique with its opportunities and ethical dilemmas.

Science communication upon request

 We are happy to share our research with you! 

Whether you are looking for a speaker for a scientific talk, a talk during a (non-scientific) event for a general public or an explanation about a research topic in your classroom, our scientists are eager to share their science with you, adapted to the background of your public.


  • If you have a specific topic or speaker in mind, don't hesitate to contact the respective head of the lab (see overview of all research labs)!
  • If not, contact our Department manager ( with your request or idea. We will look for the scientist with the right knowledge and skills for the adequate presentation.