Recent Activities

Workshop “Advancing Green Chemistry Technologies”

Workshop “Advancing Green Chemistry Technologies” When: 11 December 2024 Where: Auditorium Vandenhove, Rozier 1, 9000 Ghent, Belgium Who: academic and industry people working in green technologies applications

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Belgian BISC-E competition 2024 is embedded in the Tech Tour Circular event

Thrilled to announce our collaboration with Tech Tour for the upcoming Tech Tour Circular 2024 Programme! This dynamic event will showcase around 40 groundbreaking companies, each driving change in the circular economy and design sector, presenting to a group of active investors on April 23-24, 2024, in Ghent, Belgium.

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BE-HyStore - UGent and Fluxys explore underground hydrogen storage

(24-10-2023) Today's launch event at Fluxys highlights Belgium’s commitment to innovative solutions for a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.

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The PREMIER and TransPharm workshop: The transition towards sustainable pharmaceuticals – assessing sustainability, from design & production to prescription & use

What is a sustainable pharmaceutical product? Can sustainability considerations be included in the discovery/design process of new active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs)? And what information needs does the health sector have when it comes to the sustainability of pharmaceuticals?

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Count sheep and not frost-damaged crops

Team Vsycle won the national Bio-based Innovation Student Challenge (BISC-E) which took place at the event of Circular Flanders 'Bioeconomy: from ambition to action' on 28 March 2023.

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Belgian BISC-E Student Challenge 2023

For the fourth time a national Belgian competition of the Biobased Innovation Student Challenge Europe (BISC-E) will be organized in 2023 after the success in previous years. Do you want to design a creative bio-based solution as a multidisciplinary student team? The Bio-based Innovation Student Challenge Europe (BISC-E), organized by GREEN-CHEM and End-of-Waste/RE-SOURCE.BIO networks from AUGent, encourages students to explore innovation and business development in the emerging bio-economy while developing a new biobased product or process. Are you up for the challenge? Register now or before March 2023!

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European second price for turning fruit waste into a novel activated carbon solution

The European BISC-E final was embedded in BioSYNERGISE 2022. During this online event, the 5 finalists (Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania and The Netherlands) had to present their innovative idea to the major players in the biobased industry on the basis of a promotional video and a presentation with a question session at the event. During this exciting meeting, the Italian team GENAB won the European final of the student competition. Belgium finished in the second place and the Netherlands took home the third prize.

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Turning your fruit waste into a novel activated carbon solution

On 2 June 2022, the Belgian BISC-E competition took place at RRB 2022 in Bruges. With their innovative idea to turn your fruit waste into a novel activated carbon solution, Valorised Carbon won the national final of the Bio-based Innovation Student Challenge (BISC-E), organized by the End-of-Waste/RE.SOURCE.BIO and GREEN-CHEM networks.

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Belgian BISC-E Student Challenge 2022

For the third time a national Belgian competition of the Biobased Innovation Student Challenge Europe (BISC-E) will be organized in 2022 after the success with team Loaf Foam of last year.

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European third price for turning bread waste into biobased packaging

On 21 October 2021, five chemistry and biochemistry students took third place in a European student competition with their loaf foam project.

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Call for datasets: complex mixtures and artificial intelligence

The advancement of knowledge in artificial intelligence is unlocking new potential in the prediction and modelling of several (bio)chemical processes and of structure-property relationships.

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Biobased Innovation Student Challenge Europe (BISC-E) Student Challenge

For the first time ever a national Belgian competition of the Biobased Innovation Student Challenge Europe (BISC-E) will be organized in 2020.

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Turning bread waste into biobased packaging

With their biobased packaging idea Loaf Foam won the national final of the Bio-based Innovation Student Challenge (BISC-E), organized by the End-of-Waste/RE.SOURCE.BIO and GREEN-CHEM networks at AUGent.

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Meet our new GREEN-CHEM coordinator

As of the summer of 2021 meet our new GREEN-CHEM coordinator, dr. Nathalie De Coensel!

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Belgian finalists in EU bio-based student challenge need your hair

Haircycle, a team of students from Ghent University, was the Belgian representative at the EU final of the Bio-based Innovation Student Challenge (BISC-E).

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Mixing science and culture at RRB 15 in Toulouse

GREEN-CHEM participated in the 15th edition of the International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries (RRB) in Toulouse, France.

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2021 BISC-E Student Challenge

For the second time a national Belgian competition of the Biobased Innovation Student Challenge Europe (BISC-E) will be organized in 2021 after the success with team HairCycle of last year.

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GREEN-CHEM General Assembly 2020

The GREEN-CHEM General Assembly will be held on the 2nd of June in Ghent at 'Het Pand', Ghent (Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent, Belgium).

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First European BISC-E final won by Ghent University students

Two students from Ghent University won the first EU final of the Biobased Innovation Student Challenge (BISC-E).

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Back after 10 years thanks to GREEN-CHEM Mobility Grant

Sabbatical visit after 10 years abroad made possible by GREEN-CHEM Mobility Grant.

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