Food Waste

Despite the increasing initiatives to minimize food waste (such as Too Good To Go, reductions for food products that reach their best-before-date etc.), a lot of food is still wasted at the consumer level, which has a huge impact on global climate change. According to the EAT–Lancet, food waste reduction should be taken on as one of five most impactful strategies to move to a more healthy and sustainable food system and the issue of food waste is even included in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda of the United Nations.

As such, CEPEC currently investigates why consumers waste food, why they have a rather negative attitude towards food products with cosmetic imperfections and food products approaching their best-before-date and the effectiveness of persuasive messages in reducing food waste.

This topic is currently part of the PhD research of Lies Beugnies under the guidance of Dieneke Van de Sompel and Wendy Van Lippevelde (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration).

Food waste